Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3461: The hidden worries of the Kirin tribe

"Sister Ya Ya."

After seeing Qin Yaya, Chu Yunxi was the first to jump out to say hello.

She has been in a good relationship with her aunt's sister Ya Ya.

But this time, Sister Ya Ya didn't pay attention to her, but passed her directly, and did not greet her aunt.


Qin Yaya turned into an afterimage, passed by Chu Yunxi, rushed to Qin Yi all the way, and then jumped for joy.

Qin Yaya threw into Qin Yi's arms and clung to Qin Yi tightly.

"Father, Ya Ya finally saw you."

The girl murmured while hugging Qin Yi in an attachment.

"Sister Ya Ya..."

Chu Yunxi was stunned for a moment. She had never seen her quirky sister Ya Ya, showing such an attachment to others.

Even in front of my aunt, it wouldn't be like this.


Chu Muqing stood on the side, smiling at the corners of her mouth, but her eyes were colorful.

She is not unsurprising that her daughter is so attached to Qin Yi. In the past few years, Qin Yaya has talked about Qin Yi the most.

Even if Qin Yaya was renamed Chu Yaya, Qin Yaya never accepted it.

According to the inheritance of the Qilin tribe, every member of the direct line of the Qilin tribe must change the surname to Chu, like her, like Chu Yunxi.

The Chu surname represents nobleness in the Qilin tribe.

Only by changing the surname to Chu can one be counted as a direct member of the Kylin clan, which represents this honor, status, and identity.

For example, Lingshang Fairy, although the bloodline has been purified into a pure-blooded unicorn, he is still named Gong Lingshang and cannot be changed to Chu.

It's not that Fairy Lingshang can't change his surname to Chu, but that he is not qualified to be named Chu.

Qin Yaya had the right to change her surname to Chu, but Qin Yaya had been unwilling, Chu Muqing, who was already guilty of Qin Yaya, could only let it go.

But because of this, the many Qilin elders and clan elders who were quite dissatisfied with the impure blood of Qin Yaya were even more dissatisfied with this.

However, Chu Muqing and his father fought for Qin Yaya.

of course.

Because of this incident, Chu Muqing was still quite dissatisfied with Qin Yi.

But now, Chu Muqing took a reckless attitude towards this matter.

Qin Yi's current cultivation base and power are different, and she is no longer the dynasty lord who she considers to be despised and insignificant.

It is a noble existence that is not only powerful, but also surprisingly powerful.

‘With Yaya’s relationship, maybe you can get in touch with this one.

If he could win this support for his father, his father wouldn't have to have such a hard time. ’

Chu Muqing sighed in her heart.

She didn't want Qin Yaya to be involved in these things, but she had no choice.

She, and her father, are now particularly embarrassed in the Kylin clan.

Let me talk about her first. Countless years ago, she was captured by the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign and taken to the Seven Prison Gate. In the end, although she found a chance to escape from the Seven Prison Gate.

But in the end, she was broken by the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign, and even gave birth to an heir.

Regardless of the reason, this is a great shame to the Qilin tribe.

As the daughter of the patriarch of the Kylin clan, Chu Muqing not only failed to comply with the marriage arrangements within the Kylin clan, but left a wild species outside.

This makes it unacceptable for many elders of the Kylin tribe!

Some clan elders even wanted to expel Chu Muqing directly from the Qilin clan, but was stopped by his father.

For this, her father was under pressure without knowing how much.

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