Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3468: The second generation within the Kylin clan

Qilin Mountain.

The center of the Kylin Great World is tens of thousands of meters tall, supporting the sky, and the top of the mountain breaks directly into the nine heavens.

The entire mountain is surrounded by countless chaotic air currents, one after another like real laws, roaring between the sky and the earth.

Halfway up the Qilin Mountain, there is a building over a hundred feet high.

From time to time, there is a stream of light falling into the building.

The aura of every stream of light shakes the sky and the earth, at least it also has the cultivation base above the emperor realm, and there are no lack of middle-three emperors above the fourth realm.

Walking into the building, you can see a beautiful maid dressed in gauze, shuttled between the various floors of the building, serving many powerful people.

This is a restaurant opened within the Kylin tribe, named Tianyulou.

Many strong Qilin people like to come to Tianyu Tower for consumption, make friends, or sing songs...

Linyuan Pavilion.

Located at the top of Tianyu Building, it is also the best loft in this restaurant.

At this time, there were many figures sitting cross-legged in Linyuan Pavilion, and each one was shrouded in dazzling glory, and the space in the attic was shaken between gestures.

The maid on the side glanced cautiously, with ripples in her eyes.

These are the heirs of many elders in the Kylin tribe. At the same time, they are very talented, and each of them is a leader in the younger generation of the unicorn tribe.

The third elder's son Chu Xiaotian, the fourth elder's son Chu Gan, the sixth elder's son Chu Guangming...

If they can rely on one, they will be able to reach the sky in one step from then on.

It's a pity that these maids all know that the target of these few is the princess Xiyue, and how can they look at these mediocre maids.

"Brothers, what do you think of Princess Xiyue's foster father?"

The third elder's son Chu Xiaotian, who was sitting above him, flashed his eyes and spoke quietly.

"Hmph, a mere dynasty lord, how qualified is it to be Princess Xiyue's adoptive father, and even want to play Princess Xiyue's idea."

The fourth elder's son Chu patted the table and said angrily: "I don't look at my identity. The only one who can become Princess Xiyue's husband is you, Brother Xiaotian!"

"Yes, a barbarian in the barren realm would dare to hit Princess Xiyue's idea, and wait for me to clean him up!"

Chu Guangming, the sturdy son of the sixth elder, stood up directly.

Most of them went to look for Qin Yi's troublesome momentum.

He didn't care about Qin Yi. He thought that with his cultivation at the peak of the third realm, it was not a matter of picking up the emperor of a dynasty.

"Chu Guangming, now is not the time for you to show your loyalty to Brother Xiaotian, because you are afraid that you will not be troubled by others and will be suppressed by others instead.

You must know what does not fall to the emperor's side, but there is a fourth-level emperor to protect, don't be suppressed by others, not only your face, but also the face of Brother Xiaotian. "

Chu Yu sneered with the cold face of the seventh elder's concubine.

"Chu Yu, why should you raise others' prestige? A fourth-level emperor from the dynasty is one level higher than me, and I can suppress it backhand."

Hearing that, Chu Guangming was furious and stared at Chu Yu's beard.

It was not that he looked down on the fourth-level emperor next to Qin Yi, but compared to him who had the inheritance of the Qilin clan, the strong men of these foreign races were just native chickens.

Not to mention, a fourth-level emperor from the barren realm.

At the beginning, Chu Guangming relied on the inheritance of the Qilin clan to defeat a fourth-level emperor from other realms at the peak of the third realm.

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