Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3473: Ling Tian Master


The hammering sound from the void disappeared, and the phantom of the bronze bell also disappeared.

The aura of heaven and earth around the cabin fell silent.

It was as if everything before this was an illusion, nothing happened.

"this is……"

Qin Yi frowned, feeling a little strange.

I feel very strange to the owner's behavior in the cabin.

The bronze bell just now is actually only one step away from being successfully forged.

As long as the thunder robbery is activated and the bronze bell is baptized by thunder robbery, the final transformation can be completed and become a real imperial weapon.

Moreover, this bronze bell is at least a high-level imperial tool, fully awakened, and can burst out a high-level imperial tool comparable to the giants of the seventh realm.

However, the owner of the cabin stopped forging and forcibly interrupted the next process.

This can be said to have caused a great impact on the bronze bell. The origin is lost, and it may be re-forged afterwards, and it may also fall into the ranks of high-level imperial artifacts.

Can only become a middle-level imperial weapon.

This is incredible!

You know that a high-end imperial implement is more than ten million times stronger than a middle-rank imperial implement?

A middle-level imperial weapon is dispensable for such forces as the Qilin clan.

But the high-end imperial artifacts are different. If a high-end imperial artifact is born, it is impossible for the Qilin clan to ignore it.

Even Qin Yi is the same, a high-end imperial instrument and a middle-rank imperial instrument, Qin Yi will not hesitate to choose a high-end imperial instrument.

"The distinguished guest is here, please come inside for a while."

At this time, an old voice came from the cabin.

The owner of the cabin obviously noticed Qin Yi's arrival.


Qin Yi didn't hesitate, and led the two black fur monsters into the cabin.


Pushing open the door of the wooden house, there is a small world in front of me.

At the same time, the billowing heat wave came.

It's like being in the middle of the big day, where the temperature is not tens of millions of degrees, but at least millions of degrees.

If the existence under the ancient sacred realm set foot here, I am afraid that it will be gasified in an instant and fall on the spot.

Even Pan Jiuyue walked into this small world, and felt the heat and heat intolerable.

Look closely, this small world is occupied by a huge red fireball, and all the hot temperatures come from this red fireball.

The crimson fireball contained unimaginable energy. If it broke out, Qin Yi had no doubt that this crimson fireball could burn a seventh-level giant to death.

Beside the scarlet fireball, there was a man dressed in a blue shirt and holding a bronze bell in his hand, like a man with a lot of scholarship.

"Master Lingtian?"

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows, his tone determined.

"It's in Xia, I don't know that the distinguished guests are here, and there are missed welcomes in Xia. Please forgive me."

Master Lingtian smiled and tossed, the bronze bell in his hand flew into the red fireball.

It can be seen that there are many bronze bells in the Crimson Fireball that are as good as this one.

They are all like bronze bells, and they can be transformed into semi-finished imperial artifacts in just one step.


Qin Yi's eyes narrowed.

Some of these semi-finished imperial implements are just semi-finished products of low-level imperial implements, or semi-finished products of middle-level imperial implements.

But this is also like this bronze bell, a semi-finished product of high-end imperial wares.

The quantity is not less than nine!

"Why not let these imperial artifacts complete their transformation and turn them into real imperial artifacts?"

Qin Yi's doubts were deeper, and he couldn't help but ask.

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