Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3479: Amazing craftsmanship

The sky above.

In the fireball.

The liquids of many semi-finished imperial artifacts are constantly changing in shape, as if a **** is hammering it with supreme mighty power.

Gradually, the liquid that these semi-finished imperial implements melted began to solidify and gradually took shape.

Suddenly, it changed nine times in a row, and finally formed a bronze bell.

One such bronze bell forged by Master Lingtian, but unlike that bronze bell, this bronze bell is even more terrifying.

There are countless gods inscribed on it, and a square avenue is branded on the surface of the bronze bell, which exudes an immortal atmosphere that suppresses eternity and is comfortable and eternal.

With the passage of time, the breath emitted by the bronze bell became more and more terrifying.


The vast breath filled the entire small world, and in an instant there was a feeling of bursting the entire small world.

If it weren't for Cai Yulei's timely action to seal the time and space of the world, otherwise, the entire small world would be shattered as early as the first time.

Even so, this small world has cracked countless cracks, like delicate porcelain that has been barely glued, and may collapse at any time.


A series of cyan thunders derive from the cracks and linger around the bronze bell, each of which contains unimaginable terrible power.

The thunder roared like an ancient heavenly court beating the drums of war, and the tyrannical force fell down and wreaked havoc in the small world.

Even, turned into an ancient god, running mighty power.

Seems to shatter everything!

From the great road to the public, ordinary creatures who become emperors have Chengdi Thunder Tribulation, and refining Emperor Pills have Cheng Dan Thunder Tribulation. Refining imperial weapons naturally also has Chengshi Thunder Tribulation.

The imperial artifacts that have not experienced the baptism of the Thunder Tribulation are not true imperial artifacts, such as the semi-finished imperial artifacts previously refined by Master Lingtian.

These semi-finished imperial artifacts are not truly imperial artifacts that have not undergone the baptism of becoming an imperial weapon.

The imperial weapon refined by Master Lingtian at this moment is motivating the Thunder Tribulation into a weapon. This time Grand Master Lingtian did not interrupt the Thunder Tribulation into a weapon, but continued to hammer forging.

As a result, the thunder tribulation in the void became more and more turbulent, turning into a blue sea of ​​thunder.

Palaces rose up from the thunder sea, exploding with vast powers, and you could see a terrifying imperial weapon suspended in each palace.

A red-gold sword, a blue-red spear, a furnace ding with mountains and rivers...

These are all imperial artifacts refined by people in the central realm.

Each piece has a power comparable to high-end imperial artifacts, and even stronger, giving people a sense of oppression that is hard to resist.

"Arousing high-level imperial weapons is Thunder Tribulation, this imperial tool is at least a high-level imperial tool, or even higher."

Qin Yi looked at it, his eyes condensed.

I have to say that Master Lingtian's hand crafting technique is very delicate.

Those semi-finished imperial artifacts have not been baptized by thunder robbery, and their origins are missing. They are re-refined, and eventually they cannot reach their original ranks.

However, Master Lingtian chose to re-forge these semi-finished imperial artifacts, taking the origins of the semi-finished imperial artifacts, converging them into one, and forging them again.

This is equivalent to this bronze bell, with the background of all the imperial artifacts refined by Master Ling Tian, ​​instantly raising several levels.

It is possible to become a quasi-tianzun device!

Do not.

Not only is it possible, but a fact that is about to be achieved.

As long as it survives the thunder tribulation of becoming a weapon, this bronze bell can complete its final transformation and become a real quasi-celestial weapon!

Even Qin Yi couldn't help but marvel at such a method.

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