Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3492: Conquer Yuzhong in Wanling Town


The Frost Wandao Sword disappeared, and Thunder Sea also disappeared.

Everything returned to peace.

Under the threat of Cai Yulei, the deity of the Frost Wandao Sword had no chance of making a move, and had no choice but to return to the Great Avenue of the Heavens.

Qin Yi didn't even mean to pay attention to the Frost Wandao Sword, and his attention was all on the Wanling Zhen Yuzhong in his hand.


Wanling Zhen Yuzhong shook slightly, causing endless ripples.

The road roared, and terrible power flowed in the void. If it broke out, it would be enough to subvert the entire small world, and even most of the unicorn world.

It wasn't until Wan Ling Zhen Yu Zhong got into his hands that Qin Yi truly understood that Wan Ling suppressed Yu Zhong, as if the endless terrifying energy.

Thousands of semi-finished imperial artifacts give Wanling Zhen Yuzhong an unimaginable background, which is not weak compared with the Dilu Temple Spirit.

Of course, if you really want to compete with power, Wanling Zhen Yuzhong is still a bit inferior.

"Wanling, pay homage to the emperor, and I am willing to serve the emperor."

Wanling Zhen Yuzhong suddenly burst into a dazzling light, a hazy figure walked out of it and bowed to Qin Yi.

The figure is the **** of Wanling Town Yuzhong.

Wanling Town Yuzhong is different from Eternal Immortal Furnace and Immortal Chopping Gourd. It is made by Master Lingtian using the orthodox method of refining tools from the heavens and the world.

After experiencing the baptism of becoming a weapon of thunder and robbery, the emperor was born naturally.


The **** Yuzhong of Wanling Zhen was bitter and lamented in his heart.

As a quasi-celestial weapon, the wisdom of the **** Wanling Zhenyu Zhong is not low, and he is no different from ordinary people. He did not want to surrender to Qin Yi.

In his view, Qin Yi is just an ant who doesn't even have the seventh realm. How can he be his master?

Unfortunately, He has no choice.

"What is this person's identity? Not only is there a quasi-tianzun asylum, there seems to be a quasi-tianzun in his body, no, the heavenly weapons exist!

God Wanling Zhenyu Zhong's eyes flickered, he glanced at Cai Yulei, and then at Qin Yi.

He could clearly perceive an emperor soldier hidden in Qin Yi's body, that shocking evil spirit that pierced through the heavens and smashed the world.

This evil spirit locked him firmly so that he did not dare to act rashly.

"Fine, even the Heavenly Sovereign Armor surrendered to this person, and I surrendered to this person, it is not an insult."

The **** Yuzhong Wanling sighed in his heart.

At this time, He could only comfort himself in this way.


The next moment, Wanling Zhen Yuzhong's **** brows brightened, and a stream of light flew out and fell into Qin Yi's hands.

This is the origin of the deity of Wanling Zhen Yuzhong. Generally speaking, as long as the origin of the deity of the emperor is in control, the emperor can be controlled.

When Qin Yi's thoughts moved, Wan Ling Zhen Yu Zhong's deity origin was refined, and a sense of control over Wan Ling Zhen Yu Zhong came into being spontaneously.

"My souls, I am willing to serve the emperor, and be the minister of the emperor. If you violate it, you will be beaten back by the demons of the heart, and the heart of the Tao will collapse.

At the same time, the **** Wanling Zhen Yuzhong spoke loudly.

The Great Avenue of the Heavens shook, and the imprint was dropped, and it blended into the eyebrows of All Souls suppressing the **** Yu Zhong.

Dadao contract, completed.

With double insurance, Wanling Zhenyu Zhong's **** has no possibility of betrayal.

"Yes, you go back first."

Qin Yi smiled with satisfaction and tapped Wanling Zhen Yuzhong lightly.

The **** Yuzhong of Wanling Town knows, bows and blends into Wanling Town Yuzhong.

"time to go."

Qin Yi flipped his hand, Wan Ling Zhen Yuzhong disappeared.

Immediately, he walked out of the small world first, followed by Master Lingtian, Pan Jiuyue and others.

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