Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3495: Coming for the Qilin Clan’s security crisis

"Fairy Mu Qing."

A young man emerged from a crowd of Qilin Clan Tianjiao.

The man wore a golden armor and a black hair shawl. His expression was as indifferent as an iron stone. The divine light between his eyebrows radiated, exuding the domineering look of the world.

As he spoke, there seemed to be endless evil spirits coming like a tide.

The whole person is like a fierce knife that soars into the sky, tearing the world apart.

"Master War Sword..."

Seeing the young man, Qin Yaya frowned slightly with a solemn expression.

This young man is also a famous Tianjiao among the Qilin tribe. He comes from the Celin Clan. Although he is not the Qilin Clan Tianjiao, he is not different from the Qilin Clan Tianjiao.

The Celestial Soldiers, a very other race in the heavens and the world.

There are few members of this clan, and every member is a creature born from a war weapon. Unlike war weapon gods, they are real creatures.

Although the gods in the warcraft are wise, they are not real creatures.

Generally speaking, the gods in the war weapon, such as the emperor soldiers, want to become real creatures, only if they break through the heavenly realm.

The Celestial Soldier clan is different. The members of the Celestial Soldier clan are basically born from broken saint soldiers and emperor soldiers.

The broken sage soldiers, imperial soldiers, their gods and their bodies, combined with a series of coincidences, were born under the mysterious nature of the Great Way of Good Fortune.

Because born from the broken saint soldiers and emperor soldiers, the heavenly soldiers naturally have a deep understanding of the Great Dao. Once they are born, they have the strength of saints and even emperors.

The first clan member of the Celestial Soldier clan was said to be born from a Celestial Venerable. Once it was born, it had a combat power comparable to the Quasi Celestial Venerable.

At that time, the Celestial Soldiers were also considered top forces in the central realm.

It is a pity that the ancestor of the Celestial Soldier clan fell during a battle with humans, which led to the gradual decline of the Celestial Soldier clan.

Until now, the Celestial Soldier clan can only survive by relying on the Qilin clan.

This celestial soldier clan tianjiao, named Master Swordsman, may not be as good as the ancestor of the celestial soldier clan, but he is also extremely powerful.

It is said that Lord War Sword was born from a broken high-level imperial weapon. The essence is extraordinary. He has broken through the peak of the fourth stage in less than one era of cultivation, and is expected to break through the seventh stage and become a giant of the heavens.

Therefore, he was placed high hopes by the heavenly soldiers and sent to Qilin Mountain to practice.

"What happened, why are these people gathering here?"

Qin Yaya frowned, her pretty face full of tension.

At a glance, she could find that most of the Tianjiao on Qilin Mountain had gathered here at this moment.

Either hot, or unkind, or gloating... all kinds of eyes fell on her intentionally or unintentionally, making her feel uneasy.

What happened?

This matter has something to do with me?

She keenly discovered that the purpose of this group of arrogances was related to her.

She even found a few people in Chu Xiaotian, and a flash of disgust flashed in her eyes. For these people, she didn't have any favorable impressions.

"Master War Sword, what do you mean?"

Chu Muqing spoke lightly, his indifferent expression did not show happiness or anger.

"Fairy Mu Qing, forgive me, I am not here to embarrass the fairy, but for the safety of the Qilin clan!"

The Master War Sword clasped his fists and said without arrogance.

"Come for the safety of the Kylin tribe?"

A light flashed in Chu Muqing's eyes, and a hint of worries emerged.

Thoughts flashed through my heart, but I still couldn't figure out the purpose of everyone.

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