Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3499: The conflict continues

Outside the mansion.

Countless lights gathered on Chu Muqing, and it was a bit terribly quiet for a while, everyone was waiting for Chu Muqing's choice.

Fight or retreat?

If Chu Muqing chose to fight, a big battle would be inevitable.

If Chu Muqing chooses to retire, this battle can be avoided, but Chu Muqing will definitely lose face this time, and the patriarch will lose face.

And all of this was between Chu Muqing's thoughts.

Of course, no matter how Chu Muqing chose, it meant that the patriarch and the three elders were completely torn apart.

"A group of ungrateful people..."

An old man in a blue robe behind Chu Muqing glared at the heavenly arrogance.

Some of the many arrogances, facing the gaze of the blue-robed old man, involuntarily lowered their heads, unwilling to look at each other with the blue-robed old man.

In fact, these arrogances were originally cultivated by the patriarch's line, but they betrayed the patriarch's line and chose to be the enemy of Chu Muqing.

How can the blue-robed old man not be angry?

"Princess, why bother to talk to this group of people, if you want to fight, then fight, what fear do I have to wait!"

The blue robe old man snorted coldly.

For the powerhouses in the line of patriarchs, most of them are unwilling to give way to Chu Muqing.

The relationship between the line of the three elders and the line of the patriarch has long been like water and fire, and they naturally did not want Chu Muqing to choose to give in.

"Ancient, do you want to be our enemy for a barbaric in the eastern frontier, this son of wolf ambition, colluding with the tribe of the three pan mastiffs, and wanting to be detrimental to my Qilin tribe."

Chu Tiangang smiled coldly, not backing away.

The blue-robed old man in front of him was a sixth-level emperor of the Qilin clan, only half a step away from the heavenly giants of the seventh level, and his status within the Qilin clan was not low, and he was honored as ancient.

Although the ancient cultivation base is powerful, it's not that no one supports him behind him, so he is naturally not afraid of the ancient.


The ancient face hesitated, and the whole person couldn't help being silent.

Although he was not irritated by Chu Tiangang and others' persecution of Chu Muqing, he didn't want to see the face of the patriarch lost his face, but he didn't want to tear his face with the third elder because of an outsider.

"The old man, no matter what his identity is, he is a lady's distinguished guest, how can he tolerate your wanton slander!"

However, the ancients also knew the priorities, no matter whether Qin Yi colluded with the tribe of the three pan mastiffs or not, he could not let go.

If you really let Chu Tiangang and others grab Qin Yi and put a hat on him that was the same as the three Pan Mastiffs, it would be troublesome.

As long as the three elders seize this point and attack the patriarch, the patriarch may even lose his position as the patriarch.

"Fairy Mu Qing, is this your answer?"

Chu Tiangang no longer entangled with the ancients, but looked at Chu Muqing, trying to force Chu Muqing to make a decision.


As he spoke, he suddenly took a step forward, arousing the momentum of all the arrogances, and suddenly pressing on Chu Muqing.

It was like an ancient sacred mountain falling down from the nine heavens, wrapped in an indescribable huge pressure, and crashed down.


Chu Muqing's face turned pale. Although her cultivation base was not weak, she was no match for the union of the arrogances.

The ancient people on the side snorted coldly, and stopped Chu Tiangang and the others for Chu Muqing's momentum, and wanted to punish Chu Tiangang and others.

But a few sneers sounded in the void, and a series of if there was no aura, pressing on the strong people of the ancient and other patriarchs, so that the ancient and other people's complexion changed, and they were suppressed for a while.

The master of these breaths is old and familiar, not just the powerhouse of the three elders.

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