Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3501: One formation

Together, the weak wins the strong.

Even the quasi-tianzun who once had the formation together, with the help of the power of the formation, forcibly resisted the full blow of the next heaven-zun.

Moreover, this Tianzun is not in a weakened state, but in a peak period.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the formation together.

Regarding the formation master, all the forces of the heavens and all realms attach great importance to them, and they are interested in training the formation master.

Regardless of whether it is possible to cultivate the most powerful people who can achieve Tianzun together with the formation method, the existence of a formation master can also enhance the background of the major forces.

The unicorns are naturally no exception.

Master Jiuli is the most powerful formation master in the Qilin clan, and many large formations outside the Qilin World are set up by him.

Moreover, Master Jiuli is very talented. It is said that he is only half a step away from becoming a giant of the heavens, and he may break through the seventh realm at any time.

Even, there are rumors in the clan that Master Jiuli might break through the quasi-tianzun and even the heaven-zun.

"Unexpectedly, Master Jiuli also joined in. This is not good news!"

Gu also recognized Master Jiuli, and his expression suddenly became hard to see the extreme.

Unlike Chu Muqing, he knew more about the weight represented by Master Jiuli.

For a long time, Master Jiuli has always stood in a neutral position in the battle between the patriarch and the three elders, and is unwilling to intervene in these matters.

But now, Master Jiuli has come forward for the platform of Chutiangang, which has to make the ancients seriously think about the meaning behind this.

Is the neutral faction going to fall to the three elders?

If this is the case, they are now in a difficult situation.

"It's worthy of the formation that the patriarch personally arranged. It is really mysterious, but it is a pity that it can't help being old."

Master Jiuli thought for a while and smiled faintly.


As soon as the words fell, a ray of pale golden divine brilliance floated out of the void, like a golden needle, and like a sharp blade.

I found the weak points of the many large formations outside the mansion in a flash, and easily tore these large formations apart.

Afterwards, that strand of golden divine glory re-emerged into the void, and it seemed that it had never appeared before, but the many large formations that were broken were showing what had happened before.


Forced by the great formation, the aura of Chu Tiangang and many other arrogances, as well as the aura of the three elders and many powerful men, suddenly surged down.

The violent aura engulfed Chu Muqing and the others, as if to crush them into meat sauce.

Even Chu Muqing, Gu Gu and others, who are tyrannical in cultivation, are shaky, and they can only hold on with this momentum.

Among them, Qin Yaya is in the most difficult situation. Her cultivation level is not high and she has not set foot in the emperor realm. In such a battle, she is as weak as an ant and may be crushed to death at any time.

Had it not been for Zhao Yun and many powerful men from the imperial imperial dynasty who had not fallen for their support, and Chu Tiangang and others deliberately avoided Qin Yaya, otherwise, Qin Yaya would have been completely destroyed.

The emperor is fighting, isn't the practitioner under the emperor just the ant?

Even with the support of Zhao Yun and others, Qin Yaya was wounded by the aura of Chu Tiangang and others, her spirit was traumatized, she lost consciousness, and fell into a coma.

At this moment, Qin Yaya was in a coma, and Chu Muqing and others persisted.

The development of the situation seems to be a foregone conclusion.


Chu Xiaotian sneered, directly asserted, and immediately looked back.

It is over without their presence.

The final outcome of the matter will only develop as they expected.

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