Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3506: Headache of the second elder of the Qilin tribe

"Second Uncle, something happened to the Kirin Clan."

Chu Muqing quickly said.

The existence that talked to her was her second uncle, her father's younger brother, the second elder of the Qilin tribe, a giant of the eighth realm.

Her father did not know when he would return to the Qilin Clan, so she could only inform the second elder.

"Something happened? What happened?"

The second elder's tone condensed and asked.

"It's like this..."

Chu Muqing didn't dare to make any negligence, and he told the second elders, especially the news about Qin Yi, of everything that would happen.

"The clone of the Emperor Buluo has come to the Qilin Clan, and is still in conflict with the Nine Elders?"

Hearing that, the second elder could not help but change color.

As the second elder of the Qilin clan, he can get far more news than Chu Muqing, and he also knows more about the power of the Buluo Emperor.

In the Battle of the Eastern Frontier, the Buluo Emperor defeated the Jinwu Daoist and other forces, and even the Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty also defeated.

Most of the boundary of the Eastern Frontier has fallen into the hands of the imperial imperial dynasty. Coupled with the existence of the avenues and towns, it is impossible for the other forces of the heavens and the world to intervene in the Eastern Frontier.

Moreover, the news came from the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty that the Buluo Emperor Dynasty was probably the fortune dynasty established by the remnants of the Seven Prison Gates.

With more than half of the eastern frontier in hand, and the inheritance of the seven prison gates, the rise of the imperial dynasty is unstoppable.

In the eyes of many forces, the imperial dynasty of Buluo is likely to be the next dynasty of the heavens.

of course.

This is just possible.

The Emperor Buluo has offended the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods. If you want to be promoted to the Heavens, you must pass the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods and have a heavenly sovereign.

It is not difficult for a quasi-tianzun to be promoted to the tianzun.

The life level of the gods and the creatures under the gods are no longer at the same level, one is in the sky and the other is on the earth.

A breath of a heavenly Lord can change all the cognition of the creatures under the heavenly Lord.

At the beginning, the breath of Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign almost caused Qin Yi to suffer a big loss.

Had it not been for Qin Yi's twins with the system soul, and the avatar of Heaven to suppress the origin of the soul, Qin Yi would have sunk into this breath.

Under Heaven, they are all ants, this is not just a joke!

However, even if there is no Tianzun sitting in charge, the imperial dynasty that does not fall is already regarded as the power of the heavens and gods, the top power is not weaker than the Qilin clan.

Even, in terms of background, the imperial dynasty of Buluo is better than the Qilin tribe.

My family knows about their own affairs, the Kylin clan has been in decline in recent epochs, and there are only two quasi-tianzuns left in the clan.

In the first battle of the Eastern Frontier, the Buluo Empire had two quasi-tianzun ranks that existed to take action, and no one knew how many quasi-tianzun powerhouses were hiding in the dark.

If not necessary, no one wants to offend such a powerful force.

"If you don't fall into the emperor's clone, there is a quasi-tianzun next to him? Mu Qing, are you sure? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

When he heard this news, the second elder was going crazy.

This is Zhuntianzun!

The strongest person under the Heavenly Lord, no matter what power he is in, Zhun Tianzun is a great figure with high authority, second only to Heavenly Lord.

Any power, as long as a quasi-tianzun is born, it can leap into the top power of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Even without power, he dared to despise a quasi-tianzun.

When a quasi-tianzun visits, the Qilin clan seniors don’t even know?

If this news spreads, the Qilin Clan will not know how to be laughed at by other forces.

However, the most important thing now is how to avoid this conflict.

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