Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3510: Tool man

If this maid is not a member of the tribe of the three pan mastiffs, then the current conflict is still possible to avoid.

But if this maid was the patriarch of the tribe of Pan Mastiff, and Chu Tiangang died in Qin Yi's hands, there would be no possibility of avoiding this conflict.

"Brother Xu, do you think this maid belongs to the tribe of Pan Mastiff?"

Tsing Yi Tianjiao looked at the Qilin Clan Tianjiao beside him and asked.

He knew that the friend next to him was a member of the Qilin Clan Information Hall, and his information was far better than him.

"As far as I know, this matter was provoked by Xiao Tian Gong Zi, Yu Gong Zi, etc., with Xiao Tian Gong Zi's character, he would never do anything unprepared."

This Qilin Clan Tianjiao thought for a while, but didn't choose to speak directly.

But what he meant, Tsing Yi Tianjiao was already very clear.

Chu Xiaotian and the others must have accurate information before they can take action. In other words, the maid beside Qin Yi is most likely a member of the tribe of Pan Mastiff.

"What does this giant from the Eastern Frontier want to do?"

Tsing Yi Tianjiao couldn't help but complain.

Doesn't this tycoon know the **** feud between the Qilin clan and the Three Panmastiff clan, the contradiction between the two is almost insoluble.

Even if they are members of the Qilin tribe, they will be directly convicted of the tribe’s crimes by the Qilin tribe’s senior officials if they are related to the three pan mastiffs.

Not to mention, a strong man from outside forces brought a tribe from the tribe of Pan Mastiff into the interior of Qilin Mountain.

This is simply provoking and provoking the bottom line of the Kylin clan!

At the beginning, Tsing Yi Tianjiao didn't think that this giant from the Eastern Frontier would be a fool. At this time, he somewhat agreed with this idea.

If you are not a fool, how can you do such an irrational behavior?

As the Tianjiao was talking, the situation on the scene changed again.

When the giants of the Qilin clan appeared, they separated into the void and formed a certain formation, blocking all the escape routes of Qin Yi.

Qin Yi just glanced lightly, and didn't stop them.

A group of giants of the heavens, but the seventh stage, is not worthy of his attention. If he wants to forcefully break through, these giants really can't stop him.

"Damn it!"

Looking at Qin Yi's nonchalant attitude, the nine elders were more angry in his heart, but he did not dare to act rashly.

Qin Yi's strength just now made him have to be careful.

At this time, he also knew that Qin Yi's strength was far above him, even if Qin Yi's apparent cultivation base did not even have the fourth stage.

But the sense of threat Qin Yi brought to him was real, and he did not dare to be underestimated.

"Brother Nine, how do you feel?"

The ten elders of the Qilin tribe on the side asked the nine elders with concern.

"It's not in the way, everyone, be careful, this son seems to be a cultivating way of killing, and his strength should not be underestimated."

The Ninth Elder waved his hand, solemnly instructing the giants.

"The Killing Way?"

Hearing this, the hearts of the Qilin clan giants condensed, and only then did they understand why the nine elders just now almost fell into Qin Yi's hands.

Every cultivating slaughter battle path is an out-and-out madman, stepping out of countless slaughters, taking slaughter as a practice, and standing firmly in the forefront among practitioners in the same realm of combat power.

With one enemy two and one enemy three, for practitioners who practice the path of killing, it is basically as common as eating and drinking.

The nine elders practiced Xuan Shui together, and the victory lies in the strength of the source, and the combat power is not weak, but compared with the practitioners who practice the killing battle, it is still weaker.

However, no matter how strong this person is, he is still not qualified to be wild in the Qilin clan!

"Your Excellency, the old man respects your strength and has no intention of conflicting with your Excellency, but your Excellency killed my Qilin Clan's Tianjiao, don't you think it's too late?"

The ten elders looked solemn, and asked Qin Yi coldly.

"Has it passed? I don't think so."

Qin Yi's expression was calm, he didn't think it was too much.

Chu Tiangang severely injured Qin Yaya, and he killed him, which is quite reasonable. If he really wants to overdo it, how could the Qilin Clan Tianjiao who is on the scene be still alive and kicking here?

"Your Excellency, you are too presumptuous!"

Ten Elder Huo started from his heart, and his killing intent on Qin Yi became more and more intense.


His figure moved slightly, and a strange sound erupted all over his body. The sound of bone rubbing was like a fight between gold and iron, and his blood surged like a big wave hitting the air.

Powerful and mighty, like a mountain like a sea, a tide of blood rises into the sky, engulfing the fist that suppresses the universe, sweeping across the void universe.

In an instant, the void of thousands of miles was dyed crimson.

The blood stained the frost day, the air will control the universe!


Qin Yi's eyes lit up slightly, and there was some interest.

This ten elder was obviously a giant of the heavens who practiced boxing. Although his cultivation was average, his understanding of boxing was extraordinary.

Just a little bit of insight, he has a lot of gains.

Qin Yi Quan Dao, Kendo, etc., as the foundation to support the Emperor Dao, if you want to promote the practice of the Emperor Dao, you must promote the practice of the three Dao Dao, such as boxing.

He would naturally not let go of the opportunity to see other giants' understanding of boxing.


With a move of Qin Yi's heart, he immediately drew a ray of slaughter rhyme of slashing the celestial gourd and rushed towards the ten elder of the Qilin tribe.

"Good job!"

The ten elders suddenly noticed, and shouted sharply, and blood rolled down behind him, colliding with the slaughter Dao Yun of the slashing gourd.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In just an instant, the power of the two collided thousands of times.

Of course, the ten elders are obviously at a disadvantage.

I saw his face flushed, which was a sign of blood boiling.

He didn't dare to be scornful anymore at this time, he took nine steps in a row, and every step he took, his aura would rise.

When the nine steps were taken, the blood and fist in his body boiled to the extreme like a raging fire.

A series of terrifying visions, such as the scorching sun burning the sea, the real dragon flying in the sky, the unicorn stepping on the moon, etc., manifested behind him.

A series of laws emerged out of thin air, lingering around the ten elders.

With the blessing of these visions and laws, the ten elders can contend with Qin Yi and remain undefeated.

"Nice secret."

Qin Yi made a faint comment with no wave in the ancient well.

The current scene looks like he is fighting against the Ten Elders, in fact, this is the situation he intends to maintain.

Let the ten elders barely be able to contend with him, in the collisions, he continued to absorb the ten elders' perception of boxing, and turned it into his own perception of boxing.

If he hadn't valued the ten elders' perception of boxing, he only needed to use another wisp of slaughter rhyme of the slashing gourd, and the ten elders might have been defeated.

I don't know if the ten elders who are working hard to support at this moment know whether they will vomit blood in depression when they become a tool of Qin Yi's boxing practice.

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