Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3512: The collision of fist and fist


The ten elders punched Qin Yi with a punch, and the offensive was extremely vast.

Horrible fluctuations of blood swept the world, and the void was constantly collapsing, sinking, and shattering, turning into a chaotic flow of disorder and order.

This blow is very powerful, as if an ancient **** wants to reopen the heavens!

"The combination of force and boxing is said to be boxing, but it has the shadow of force."

Qin Yi's eyes lit up.

I have to say that the ten elder of the Qilin tribe gave him a big surprise, combining strength and fist in a way.

Sure enough, every giant who set foot in the seventh realm should not be underestimated.

In his eyes, the tenth elder of the Qilin tribe was just an ordinary seventh-level giant, and he didn't deserve his attention too much.

As long as he wants to, even if he doesn't use Zhanxian Gourd, he... uh, it seems that this clone really can't beat the ten elders of the Qilin tribe.


If it was Qin Yi's deity who took the shot, with the deity's current strength, it would be enough to defeat the ten elders of the Qilin tribe.

However, the ten elders of the Qilin clan gave Qin Yi a great surprise for his understanding of boxing.

It was just a brief moment of collision, Qin Yi gained a lot, and his understanding of boxing once again raised a level.

"Good job!"

Facing the attack of the ten elders, Qin Yi had no fear on his face, and there seemed to be infinite warfare burning in his eyes, pulling the power of Zhanxian Gourd, but did not directly attack, but blessed himself.


The vast and endless killing spirit instantly spread, filling the sky.

Like an invincible heaven, overlooking the ten thousand realms, the God of War who has experienced countless killings and defeats, fell from the nine heavens.

The eyes are like a knife, and the meaning is like a sword.

The boundless, domineering and reckless will swept across the six wilds.

Anyone who is against him will die!

Different from the deity's grandeur, the emperor's will to suppress eternal boxing, the eternal clone's understanding of boxing is different from that of the deity.

Eternal clone has always stayed with Zhanxian Gourd, using Zhanxian Gourd from time to time to get too much of the breath of Zhanxian Gourd.

His boxing was naturally affected by Zhanxian Gourd, and Slaughter continued to blend in, which was very different from the deity's boxing.

Qin Yi could have prevented this change, but he did not do so, instead letting the eternal clone change.

If everything in the eternal clone is the same as the deity, the existence of the eternal clone will have no meaning.

The first appearance of the eternal clone was made by Qin Yi in order to escape from the sin world and cast it with the supernatural power of incarnation outside the body.

But the existence of the eternal clone is no longer limited to this.

Whether it is "The Records of the Great Thousand Town" or Zhanxian Gourd, Qin Yi deliberately allows the eternal clone to grow up, and the eternal clone carries some of Qin Yi's plans.

Qin Yi is naturally happy to see the change of the eternal clone.

The same is true for the avatar of Heaven.

"Take me a punch!"

Qin Yi let out a long whistle, and immediately blasted out with a punch.


The billowing fist pouring out, shaking the emptiness of thousands of miles.

that moment.

Straight as the undefeated God of War waved his sword in his hand, the monstrous evil spirit was violent, and with a domineering posture that swept the heavens and the world, it crashed down.

In an instant, the surrounding void was overwhelmed by endless evil spirits, and a world of killing was evolved.


Fist to fist.

The attacks of Qin Yi and the ten elders collided, causing the many large formations in the void of the town to groan and groan unbearably.

It seems to be broken at any time!

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