Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3515: Chu Muqing came forward

In the eyes of the Nine Elders, although Qin Yi's cultivation base was extremely tyrannical, even he was ashamed of himself, but Qin Yi was only one person after all.

Together, the five giants can't match Qin Yi alone?

Although it would be a shame to do so, but if Qin Yi continued to act recklessly, they would lose even more face.

The Ninth Elders and others looked at each other and deliberately moved their hands.

At this moment, Chu Muqing stood up and blocked the Nine Elders and others:

"Elder Nine, wait a minute."

"Fairy Mu Qing, what do you want to say, if you want to stop us, then don't say it."

Master Cangyang snorted coldly, waved his big sleeves, and an unforgettable force attacked Chu Muqing, trying to push Chu Muqing away.


Chu Muqing showed firmness, an infinite black sacred fire appeared all over her body, covering her body, barely blocking the power of Master Cangyang.

The strength of Master Cangyang only made Chu Muqing back a few steps.

"Fairy Mu Qing, what do you mean?"

Master Cangyang frowned, and a trace of dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Naturally, it was impossible for Chu Muqing to block his power. If it weren't for that he hadn't used a bit of power just now, how could Chu Muqing block his attack earlier.

After all, it was the patriarch's daughter, whose status and status were there, and he didn't dare to take the other party.

Even if the three elders he supports are in the same line as the patriarch, he is already in the same line as the fire and water, facing Chu Muqing, he will be restrained.

After all, the three elders and the patriarch are fighting for the position of the patriarch. After all, everyone is a member of the Qilin clan, and it is impossible to massacre members of the other faction.

Not to mention, Chu Muqing is a member of the Qilin tribe.

Although Master Cangyang broke through the seventh realm, he was still a member of the Scarlet Blood Wolf Clan in the final analysis, but he was a force attached to the Qilin Clan.

If Chu Muqing died in his hands, and the patriarch was angry and killed him, no one would fight for him, not even the three elders.

"Elder Cangyang, the enemy should be settled or not, this one is the adoptive father of my daughter Qin Yaya, and my Qilin tribe is an ally, so why bother to such a degree?"

Chu Muqing's expression remained unchanged, and said neither humble nor humble.

"This person is rampant and domineering in my clan, killing my clan Tianjiao, how can we let it go?"

Master Cangyang hadn't spoken yet, but the Heaven Slashing Sword Sect's Taoist Swordsman said.

He was dressed in a yin and yang robe, a star crown tied with hair, and his body was enveloped by sharp sword intent. As the eyes flowed, the sword intent burst out, tearing the void.

This Taoist Slayer is the most ironic supporter of the Three Elders. It is said that the reason why the Taoist Slayer can break through the seventh realm depends entirely on the help of the Three Elders.

Therefore, in the conflict with the patriarch, the Taoist Zhantian was extremely active.

Chu Muqing wanted to prevent them from attacking Qin Yi, so the Taoist Zhantian would naturally not fulfill Chu Muqing's wish.

In Chu Muqing's mouth, Qin Yi is an ally of the Qilin tribe, but in his view, Qin Yi is an enemy, even if it is an ally, it is only an ally of the patriarch, not an ally of the three elders.

Now is the time when the three elders and the patriarch are the fiercest, and if the patriarch adds a strong ally, it will not be a good thing for the three elders.

This is not what He wants to see.

"Elder Zhantian, that's not what I said, you..."

Chu Muqing's complexion changed slightly, and he wanted to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Taoist Zhantian.

"Fairy Mu Qing, this person is cholera, I belong to the Kylin clan, and I kill my Tianjiao. This incident arises because of this person. We can never just let it go. Please let Fairy Mu Qing get out!"

Taoist Zhantian snorted coldly.

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