Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3522: Chu Xiaotian's determination

In the void, Qin Yi talked to the second elder of the Qilin clan with no one else.

Chu Xiaotian and others, but no one interrupted.

The second elder did not open his mouth to explain to Qin Yi, no one of the three elders present dared to open his mouth to persecute the Taoist Kunwu.

The power of the second elder in the Qilin clan can be seen.

"Damn it, isn't the second elder not in the Kylin World? Why did you come back so soon?"

Chu Xiaotian looked at the second elder, frowning.

Before that, he had received news that the second elders left the Kylin world and went to other worlds to find opportunities for breakthroughs.

Otherwise, he would not be anxious to agitate the Qilin Clan Tianjiao, wanting to use Qin Yi's matter to suppress the patriarch's line.

Who would have thought that this incident has been particularly unsuccessful since the beginning.

First, Qin Yi showed no weaker than the eighth-level giants, and now, even the second elders who have left the Qilin Great World have also appeared.

With this second elder, he would be in trouble if he wanted to deal with Qin Yi again.

"Young Master Xiaotian, what should I do next, please give me your instructions."

At this time, the Ninth Elders and others communicated to Chu Xiaotian.

"How to do?"

Chu Xiaotian glanced at the Ninth Elder and the others, his eyes flickered, he knew what the Ninth Elder and the others meant.

This matter started from him, and what to do next is naturally up to him.

This is not to say that the Nine Elders and others are willing to obey His orders. As giants of the heavens, how could the Nine Elders and others obey the orders of a junior.

The Ninth Elders and others acted like this, but the Ninth Elders and others were unwilling to offend the Second Elder and wanted to push him to the front of the stage.

If something happens, the Ninth Elders and others also have an excuse, and he will bear all the consequences.

It stands to reason that his best choice at this time is to retreat. Even the second elder has already come forward, and it is difficult to target Qin Yi.

From the presence of the second elder, one can see the attitude of the patriarch to Qin Yi, unless he is willing to completely tear his face with the patriarch, otherwise, concession is the best choice.

But He did not want to give in.

There is no doubt that the maid beside Qin Yi is the patriarch of the tribe of three pan mastiffs.

This is a good opportunity to suppress the line of the patriarch, how could he give up.

Not to mention, he has already sent his father, and his father will soon return to the world of unicorns. What is the fear of a second elder?

"What to do, just do it! This person has colluded with the tribe of Pan Mastiffs, and the evidence is solid. I will never let any thief who endangered my Qilin tribe!"

Chu Xiaotian drank coldly.


Hearing this, the Nine Elders and others were suddenly shocked, and when they looked at each other, they could see the surprise in the other's eyes.

Even them did not expect that Chu Xiaotian would be so decisive.

But if you really do what Chu Xiaotian said, this is really going to be torn apart with the patriarch.

They knew very well that Qin Yi could not collude with the tribe of Pan Mastiffs, and even if they colluded, it was impossible to put the matter on the bright side.

For this reason alone, it is really impossible for an eighth-level giant of the heavens to confess his guilt and bow his head.

If the second elders show up, they can still take the lead, forcing the Taoist Kunwu and others to fall to their side, and jointly suppress Qin Yi.

But when the second elder appeared, everything was different.

In the presence of the second elder, to persecute the Kunwu Taoist and other giants, it is simply a joke.

"Young Master Xiao Tian, ​​are you sure you want to do this?"

Elder Nine hesitated for a moment, and still persuaded him.

"Young Master Xiaotian, don't be impulsive. The second elder has already come forward. At this time, we shouldn't have a head-on with the patriarch."

Taoist Zhantian also persuaded with all his heart.

He is different from the nine elders and other giants. He is a giant who truly stands in the line of the three elders and fully supports the three elders.

I am more concerned about the interests of the three elders.

In his view, since things cannot be done, why not give in half a step, and then look for opportunities to deal with the patriarch.

There are opportunities, why rush for a while.

"No problem, elders, you know what you have said, and there is no need to persuade me. I will not let this opportunity pass today."

Chu Xiaotian's face was firm: "I have told my father about this matter, and he has also agreed. Within half an hour, he will return to the Qilin World."

He paused and added another sentence: "Father also told me that the old man had awakened from the retreat, had summoned him, talked with him for a few days, and admired him in words."

As soon as this statement came out, the spirits of the Ninth Elders and others suddenly shocked.

How could they not understand Chu Xiaotian's meaning, the big clan elders summoned the three elders alone, it is very likely that they are deliberately supporting the three elders.

If there is the support of the big clan elders and the three elders compete for the position of the Kylin clan patriarch, the last shortcoming will be filled.

Prior to this, the reason why the third elders were unable to win the position of patriarch, apart from the obstacles of the second elders and others, was that the biggest reason was that the third elders did not have the support of Zhuntian.

The patriarch was seriously injured and his realm almost fell to the ninth stage. Why can he still sit firmly as the patriarch of the Qilin clan? In the final analysis, it is because of the support of the elder.

Compared with the patriarch, the three elders have also broken through the ninth level, and with the support of a group of Qilin clan giants, they will be able to ascend the position of the Qilin clan patriarch.

Although the second elders sought the support of the Anyang Emperor, the Anyang Emperor was not an internal force within the Qilin Clan, and it was impossible to intervene too much in the Qilin Clan's affairs.

Otherwise, without their persecution, the elder may personally let the patriarch give way.

Therefore, the reason why the patriarch can still sit firmly in the position of the patriarch is because of the support of the great elder.

But if the three elders can get the support of the big clan elders, everything will be different.

There are two quasi-tianzuns in the Qilin tribe, one is the great elder, and the other is the big clan elder.

The grand tribe was enlightened hundreds of epochs ago, and it is the oldest existence of the Qilin tribe, and its strength and status are far above the grand elder.

If the big clan elder speaks, the big elder can only give in.

At that time, no matter how unwilling the patriarch is, he can only abdicate and give up the position of patriarch to the three elders.

When the three elders take over, they can also get what the three elders promised.

"Since Young Master Xiao Tian has made a decision, I will support it later."

Thinking of this, the Ninth Elder and others also made a decision.

"it is good."

Chu Xiaotian glanced at the Ninth Elders and others who were more and more respectful to him, with a satisfied smile on his face.

He knew very well that in the eyes of the nine elders and other giants of the sky, he was just a junior, and the reason he obeyed his orders was only because of his father's face.

But so what?

As long as his father can become the patriarch of the Qilin clan and become one of the most powerful people in the Qilin clan, his status will also rise.

The Nine Elders and other Qilin clan giants also had to respect him a little bit.

The attitude of the Nine Elders and others now proves this!

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