Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3534: Cut the heavens with a knife, divided into two

"Ah, damn, this seat is not convinced, how could this seat be lost to a junior!"

Jun Xunfeng Daojun's eyes were full of madness, and his expression was extremely unwilling.

At this moment, he had already used the eight seals of Xunyuan Yuan and burned his original world. At the beginning, he was able to compete with Qin Yi, but as time passed, he gradually lost to Qin Yi.

With the help of Wanling Town Shizhong, Qin Yi was able to exert nearly one millionth of the power of Slashing the Gourd, which was comparable to the peak emperor of the Ninth Stage.

Compared with Dao Jun Xunfeng, he was still a little bit worse.


Endless slaying suffocation, surging like mountains and seas, as if to swallow the heavens and bring the deepest destruction.

Using his hand as a knife, Qin Yi gently pressed it down, spreading his evil spirits, and evolved into a soldier wearing a battle armor and holding a banner in his hand.

The horse hissed, a thousand troops marched!

Where the military front is headed, everything is withered, and everything becomes nothingness.

The battlefield is the easiest place to give birth to the evil spirit of killing. The two armies confront each other and the soldiers fight together. I don't know how many creatures will fall and give birth to endless evil spirits of killing.

"not good!"

Daojun Xunfeng suddenly glared his eyes, was rushed by the infinite evil spirit, and his spirit was shocked, and his wits all fell into a trance for a while.

The scene in front of him changed for a while, as if seeing the creatures who had died in his hands come back to life, roaring at him.

"Xunfeng, **** you, **** you!"

"Come on, Xunfeng, come to Jiuyou Hell to be with us!"

"I've been waiting for you, Xunfeng!"

The wailing voices of evil spirits and ghosts echoed in the ears of Monarch Xunfeng Dao, causing fluctuations in the mood of Monarch Xunfeng Dao.

"A group of defeated generals is also worthy to disturb the mood of this seat. This seat can kill you once, and this seat can kill you again!"

Daojun Xunfeng's eyes flashed with blood, and he roared.

After all, he is a ninth-level overlord of the heavens. I don't know how many killings he has experienced. The state of mind is firm, far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The noisy howls of resentment in the ears could not affect Daojun Xunfeng. He used God's Sense as a sword to extinguish all these howls.

However, these voices affected the Master of Xunfeng Dao after all, and the Master of Xunfeng Dao was stunned for a while, and Qin Yi's attack had already fallen.


Qin Yi used his hand as a sword, as if it had turned into a real heavenly sword, and slashed it down.

The dazzling light of swords is like a galaxy, piercing through the universe, dividing the entire universe into two, cutting off the long river of time, and slicing the avenue of the heavens.

At this moment, Qin Yi is like an invincible immortal king, in charge of the World-Exterminating Heavenly Sword, destroying all beings.

The breath of horror fell on Monarch Xunfeng Dao, a sense of trembling originating from death, suddenly occupied the mind of Monarch Xunfeng Dao.

Daojun Xunfeng's face changed drastically, and he wanted to turn around and escape, but he had already eaten.


Qin Yi's expression was indifferent, and the sword fell straight down, traversing the void.


The chaos burst, rolling up a wave of chaos hundreds of millions of feet high, sweeping across the country.

The heavens and all realms seemed to be divided into two by Qin Yi's knife!

All tangible and intangible substances seem to be unable to withstand this knife, and are directly cut off by this knife. The immortal emperor body of the Taoist Sunda, under this knife, is like paper.


The sound of the fragmentation of the heavens and the earth sounded, and an unimaginable knife mark started from one foot in front of Qin Yi and spread to thousands of miles away.

Cut the Void Universe together with the many large formations near Qilin Mountain.

It is also inevitable for the Sundae Monarch, the whole person is divided into two.

that moment.

The audience is dead!

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