Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3546: Incorporate Otomu Zhengyang Pill


Qin Yi caught a wisp of pill energy and penetrated Qin Yaya's body.

As time went by, Qin Yaya's breath became stronger and stronger, gradually returning to its peak state, and her complexion gradually becoming ruddy.


Qin Yi grabbed it again and grabbed Yimu Zhengyang Pill into his hand, and then, with a light flick, Yimu Zhengyang Pill fell into Qin Yaya's mouth.

As if swallowing a round of big sun, Qin Yaya's body trembled, a pale green radiance appeared on the surface, and the whole person was enveloped in blue.

This is what Qin Yi injected the entire Yimu Zhengyang Pill into Qin Yaya's body.

"This this…"

Daojun Xunfeng's eyes were wide as copper bells, and he couldn't speak for a while.

This is Otsuki Zhengyang Pill!

Such as the injuries on his body, he only needs this Yimu Zhengyang Pill to recover seven or eight eight, and the remaining injuries can be recovered with only a little water milling effort.

If it weren't for the old man to speak, and he really had no other treasures, he would really be reluctant to take out Yimu Zhengyang Pill.

Who would have thought that Qin Yi used this Yimu Zhengyang Pill on a quasi-emperor.

Knowing this a long time ago, He said nothing would take out Yimu Zhengyang Pill.

"A Yimu Zhengyang Pill with sixty-three pill patterns, just wasted?"

Daoist Zhantian and other Qilin clan powerhouses are even more painful, and they can't wait to **** Yimu Zhengyang Pill from Qin Yi's hands.


A complete prodigal!

If Qin Yi first grabbed the Qi of Yimu Zhengyang Pill, everyone was just complaining about Qin Yi's prodigal family, then everyone is really distressed now.

A distressed high-ranking Divine Pill, it was wasted like this.

If they get this Yimu Zhengyang Pill, not to mention offering this **** pill, but it won't be so wasteful.

After all, this Yimu Zhengyang Pill is a life-saving medicine for them.

Even, as long as you save a little use, Yimu Zhengyang Pill can save them dozens of times. For the emperor under the seventh stage, a ray of Yimu Zhengyang Pill can save lives.

"Emperor Qin, I really love Princess Xiyue!"

God Yan Daojun gave a wry smile and couldn't help but say something.

As the elder of the Qilin tribe and the strongest quasi-tian, he is not short of imperial-grade high-rank pill. He has not seen even the quasi-tianzun-grade divine pill with seventy or eighty pill patterns.

However, in terms of value, a healing pill such as Yimu Zhengyang Pill is more precious than ordinary pill.

After all, the general practitioners will have some medicines that can assist in the practice, but it's just that there are high or low grades.

But no one would have too many sacred pills like Yimu Zhengyang Pill that could save lives.

Even Shenyan Daojun would not dislike this Yimu Zhengyang Pill.

At least not like Qin Yi, using Yimu Zhengyang Pill on a quasi-emperor, even if this person is a direct bloodline of the Qilin clan.


Qin Yi didn't care about the thoughts of Shenyan Daojun and others, and concentrated on helping Qin Yaya refine the medicinal power of Yimu Zhengyang Pill.


The vast medicinal power rushed through Qin Yaya's body, filling Qin Yaya's body, making a splash of water, as if to burst Qin Yaya's body.

After all, it was just a quasi-emperor, and Qin Yaya's physical capacity was limited.

You must know that Yimu Zhengyang Pill is a high-ranking imperial pill, and the power contained in it cannot be endured by the emperor Zhun, not to mention that Qin Yaya has just recovered from an old wound.

If it weren't for Qin Yi's protection with the Taoist rhyme of Wan Lingzhen Shizhong, Qin Yaya's body and soul would have been directly burst.

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