Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3553: The weakness of the unicorns

The high-rise buildings stand on the ground, and there is no low-level practice experience. The so-called sage level cultivation is just like a castle in the air.

Even one's own power can't be perfectly controlled, not to mention fighting against a strong person at a high level, and facing a strong person at the same level, it is also vulnerable.

This is the disadvantage of the lack of low-level practice experience.

It is more difficult to break through, unable to exert all of your strength.

Therefore, Qin Yi chose to seal Qin Renjun's cultivation base from the very beginning, allowing him to practice step by step from the acquired realm.

There is another advantage to doing this. When Qin Renjun cultivates from a low realm and breaks through the Saint Realm, he breaks through the seal left by Qin Yi with his own strength and gains the original cultivation base of the Saint Realm.

The superposition of the two can allow Qin Renjun to take a firmer step in the Saint Realm.

Compared with Qin Renjun, the many creatures in the Kylin Temple are not so lucky. Some people seal the cultivation base for themselves.

Even if there are, there are very few direct descendants of the Qilin tribe, and they will be helped by the strong Qilin tribe to seal their cultivation.

Most of the creatures in the inner world of the Kylin Temple do not have such good luck, so that they can only be trapped in one realm throughout their lives and cannot break through.

of course.

Even if only a few creatures can be taken care of, countless years have accumulated, and this world has also accumulated countless strong people.


A horrible breath rose to the sky, shaking the sky and the earth.

In just an instant, Qin Yi felt the aura of hundreds of emperors, many of them in the middle three realms and even the seventh realm giants.

There are also a few breaths that are difficult for ordinary people to detect if there is no such thing.

Moreover, the moment Qin Yi entered this world, the master of these breaths had already converged his body breath and fell into silence.

However, Qin Yi had Zhanxian Gourd, and he caught these breaths in the first place.

The master of these breaths was still thinking about hiding at this time, some of them were too late.

Obviously, the masters of these breaths are all from the Kylin clan.

Qin Yi didn't care too much, and followed Shenyan Daojun into a palace.

Of course, this palace is not a palace that hides a world like the Qilin Temple. It's just an ordinary palace, cough, if you say it's ordinary, it's unusual.

The walls of this palace are inscribed with countless history of the Kylin tribe, from the birth to the decline of the unicorn tribe, there are records.


At a glance, countless information flooded Qin Yi.

The complicated information seems to be pieced together into an epic of the rise and fall of the Kylin clan.

"The Qilin tribe, the heavens and ten thousand realms, existed in the world since they were born, and now, many years have passed, and they have experienced prosperity and decline."

Shenyan Daojun stood beside Qin Yi and said in a very proud tone.

The unicorns are also qualified to be proud.

There are countless years in the history of the heavens and the world, but there are very few forces that have existed since the birth of the heavens and the world, and still exist today.

Even after declining and prospering, the Kylin clan still stands tall.

Powers like the Kylin tribe are not many in the heavens and all realms, and there are no other powers except the few top sacred beasts such as the True Phoenix Clan, the True Dragon Clan, and the Chaotic God Ape Clan.

As powerful as the seven prison gates, it is also submerged in the long river of history.

"Of course, with the passage of time, it is inevitable that the Kirin tribe is now at its lowest ebb."

The Lord of God Yan Dao changed his voice, and his voice became more and more low.

The current unicorn tribe can be said to be the weakest period of the unicorn tribe, and the number of strong people in the tribe is scarcer than ever before.

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