Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3569: Because of this, the old will form an alliance

A group of strong Qilin tribes jumped out anxiously, blocking God Yan Daojun.

With their insights, how can they not know that as long as Qin Yi takes the oath, the covenant oath will truly be established, and then it will be impossible to repent.

"Tell me your reasons?"

Shenyan Daojun's expression was calm, and he didn't seem to be surprised.

"An imperial dynasty in the eastern border region, without Zhun Tianzun, has offended Ten Thousand Dao Divine dynasty. Could it be an end to destruction?"

A giant of the Kirin tribe stood up immediately.

This is a neutral seventh-level giant, Qingyu Taoist, with good strength, and now he is outside the Qilin World.

"A mere imperial dynasty in the eastern border? There is no Zhun Tianzun sitting in town?"

Hearing that, the Lord of God Yan Dao just said a few words without comment.

"What is your opinion?"

Immediately, he asked other Qilin giants, and the answers he got were basically similar to those of Taoist Qingyu.

Most Qilin clan giants are unwilling to form an alliance with the Buluo Empire, and the reasons given are similar to those of Taoist Qingyu.

Even the many giants of the patriarch's line are the same.

Although, because of Qin Yi's help before, they suppressed the arrogance of the three elders, but compared with these kindnesses, they are more concerned with the Qilin clan.

"Xunfeng, what do you think?"

Shenyan Daojun's face was calm, and he couldn't see any happiness or anger, and he looked at Daojun Sunda who didn't say a word and asked.

"Xunfeng has no opinion, and is willing to follow the arrangements of the old man!"

Daojun Xunfeng was silent for a moment and said.

As soon as this remark came out, a group of Qilin clan giants glanced at Daojun Xunfeng in surprise.

Especially the powerhouses of the three elders, such as Taoist Zhantian, were even more shocked. They knew the character of Taoist Xunfeng best.

Dao Monarch Xunfeng suffered a big loss in Qin Yi's hands. How could he not hold grudges in his heart. Although Dao Monarch Yan was pressed by God, he could not avenge Qin Yi, but he would never agree to the alliance between Qilin Clan and Buluo Emperor.

If the Qilin clan and the Buluo Empire form an alliance, wouldn't it be possible that the Monarch of Xunfeng Dao would never be able to avenge Qin Yi anymore.

Daojun Xunfeng's statement really surprised the Qilin clan experts, and only the second elder of the Qilin clan glanced at the Daojun Xunfeng with profound meaning.

The other giants couldn't sit still, and Taoist Qingyu couldn't help it even more directly. He stood up and said: "Three elders, why don't you persuade the big clan elders to form an alliance with the Buluo imperial dynasty. There will be no harm but no benefit!"

However, Dao Jun Xunfeng finished speaking and the old **** stood aside, without any intention to speak.

"Three Elders..."

Taoist Qingyu wanted to say something, but it was interrupted by Taoist God Yan.

"Enough, do you really think that the imperial dynasty of the unfallen dynasty is just a small imperial dynasty in a corner, facing the ten thousand gods, there is only one way to perish?"

The Lord God Yan asked.

"That's the case. Although the Fang Emperor Dynasty showed a strong foundation in the battle against the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty, there are only two heavenly overlords sitting in control."

"Compared with the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire, it is like the firefly to Haoyue. It is not worth offending the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire for the sake of a mere imperial dynasty.

"The old man, don't you always say on weekdays, let us act low-key and don't cause trouble outside. It won't work if we get to you."

Taoist Qingyu talked eloquently, talking about rising, and couldn't help complaining about Taoist God Yan.


As soon as this sentence was uttered, several giants of the heavens couldn't help coughing a few times to remind Taoist Qingyu.

"Ah, the old man, I have no other meaning. You must know the current situation of the Qilin Clan better than I am."

Taoist Qingyu also woke up, and coughed awkwardly.

"The current situation of the Kirin tribe is worse than the other day. The old man is more anxious than any of you. Therefore, the old man chooses to form an alliance with the imperial dynasty of Buluo."

Lord Shenyan glanced around and sighed lightly.


As soon as this remark came out, Taoist Qingyu and other Qilin clan giants became even more confused.

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