Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3579: Kylin Clan Patriarch

For the Qilin tribe to go to the imperial imperial dynasty, Shenyan Daojun personally makes arrangements.

Many strong Qilin tribes did not want to go to the imperial imperial dynasty, but they were strongly suppressed by the will of the giants of the Qilin tribe such as Shenyan Daojun.

All matters were carried out in an orderly manner under the leadership of Shenyan Daojun and others.

In order to show the sincerity of the Kylin Clan, the Lord of God Yan spared no effort.

The Qilin tribe's famous alchemists, refiners, and formation masters are all called up, such as the Jiuli masters and the ancients among the formation masters, and the same is true for the alchemists and the refining masters.

The matter of Master Lingtian was also discovered by a group of Qilin experts.

However, God Yan Daojun and the others chose to keep silent, pretending that they didn't notice this. At this time, they didn't want to offend Qin Yi because of a spiritual master.

In this way, everything is developing step by step.

Just when Qin Yi was about to leave, the patriarch of the Qilin clan returned.

Prior to this, the patriarch of the Kylin clan, Yujing Daojun, personally went to a relic of the ancient times in order to recover his injuries, looking for a miraculous medicine that can heal his injuries.

Daojun Yujing has been rushing for this matter over the years, and he has found nothing.

This time, Daojun Yujing didn't disappoint, Daojun Yujing found a magical medicine of the highest rank of the emperor to recover his injuries.

In the previous few days, in order to refining the magical power of the magic medicine, Daojun Yujing had been in a state of retreat, and did not know what happened to the Qilin tribe.

Even Shenyan Daojun incited the Qilin monument and concluded an agreement with the Buluo Emperor, but Yujing Daojun did not show up.

It was not until the injury was fully recovered and the impact on the avenue was sensed that he hurried back to the Qilin Clan to learn about what had happened recently.

After learning the truth, Daojun Yujing was completely confused.

For Qin Yaya's adoptive father, he also knew that he was clearly the lord of an emperor in the Eastern Frontier. He had certain strength, but he was not too strong.

How did he suddenly change his body and become a target that even the Qilin tribe would have to cheer on.

However, he also understood that a quasi-tianzun who was about to break through the heavenly realm, coupled with a heavenly-sovereign device, was a strength that even the Qilin tribe would have to do.

As a force created by the true ancestor of Qilin, the Kylin clan has a long heritage, but nowadays, the clan is no longer in its heyday, and there is no trace of suppression by the gods.

There are only two quasi-celestial powers left in the clan powerhouse, and two heavenly overlord-level powerhouses.

And he can even ascend the position of the patriarch of the Qilin clan, and take charge of the affairs of the Qilin clan.

You should know that in the previous Qilin clan, non-Zhun Tianzun could not sit in the position of the patriarch of the Qilin clan.

As long as he sits in the position of the patriarch of the Kylin clan, Zhun Tianzun can get the Qilin clan's blessings, which is of great benefit to the road of enlightenment.

However, with the decline of the Kylin clan, the quasi-tianzun within the clan is in short supply, and the position of the patriarch of the Kylin clan is transferred to the overlord of the heavens.

That is, the only one overlord of the heavens in the clan at the time, on his head.

The original intention of the Dazu Lao and others was to allow him to use the Qilin Clan’s fortune to understand the great road and break through the threshold of the quasi-tianzun realm.

At the beginning, it was true, because of the Qilin Clan's blessings, his cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, and he advanced in the ninth realm with leaps and bounds.

Unfortunately, shortly after he became the patriarch of the Qilin clan, he was besieged by the patriarchs of the three panmastiffs and the two heavenly overlords in the battle with the three panmastiffs.

In the end, even though he escaped, he was left with extremely serious injuries. The realm did not rise but fell, and he almost fell to the ninth stage.

In order to recover his injuries, he has been busy looking for magical healing medicine, which can be said to be a waste of Qilin tribe's luck.

Originally, according to Daojun Yujing's plan, if he couldn't find the magical medicine this time, he would abdicate to the virtuous.

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