Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3583: remuneration

The avenues in the eastern border are closed, and the suppression of the strong is extremely terrifying.

The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the suppression.

This is also the reason why strong people in other realms dare not set foot on the eastern border easily, even if they want to go.

If he could explode his full combat power, and he wanted to find the last part of his original imperial army from the ruins, it would naturally not be a big problem.

But with his combat power after being suppressed, it is simply wishful thinking to obtain something left by a quasi-tianzun in the eastern frontier.

If you are not careful, you may get your own life.

This is why he would speak and ask Qin Yi for help.

As a native of the Eastern Frontier, Qin Yi would not be suppressed by the Great Dao Feng's suppression. In addition, he was powerful and held a Heavenly Sovereign Tool in his hand.

As long as Tianzun didn't take the shot himself, almost no one would be Qin Yi's opponent, and it couldn't be easier to help him retrieve the last part of the original emperor's army.

"The emperor is willing to help Xia retrieve the last part of the Prison Sword, and after it's done, Xia is willing to offer fifteen top-grade chaotic original stone spiritual veins."

Daojun Yujing gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

Originally in the battle between the patriarch and the three elders, because he was seriously injured, the patriarch was constantly suppressed by the three elders.

The resources available to the patriarch's line were also suppressed for a while.

Even if he is still the patriarch, this is also true.

After all, the heavens and the world are respected by strength, and the strength of Daojun Yujing is weak, and the resources he obtains will also decrease.

Daojun Yujing took out fifteen high-grade chaotic spirit stone spiritual veins, and almost emptied his family, but for the integrity of the original emperor's army, he had to do this.


As he said, Daojun Yujing held his hand, and there appeared a series of chaotic original stone spirit veins dancing like a dragon in his hand.

"The Daoist doesn't have to be like this."

Qin Yi refused with a smile.

However, he really couldn't help Yujing Daojun, so he had no choice but to accept these fifteen high-grade chaotic original stone spiritual veins.

Uh, this is definitely not his greed for these fifteen top-grade chaotic original stone spiritual veins, it is really that Yujing Daojun is too enthusiastic.

"Well, counting the ten high-grade chaotic rough stone spiritual veins I got from the master of Xunfeng Dao, I got a total of 25 high-grade chaotic rough stone spiritual veins from this trip."

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face.

Twenty-five top-grade chaotic original stone spirit veins can be exchanged for two high-grade imperial artifacts or one high-grade imperial artifact.

However, for him, the greatest effect of the Primordial Chaos Stone Spirit Veins is to cultivate the Tianyao Continent.

Twenty-five high-grade chaotic original stone spiritual veins are enough to increase the concentration of aura in Tianyao Continent.

It should be known that under the careful cultivation of the powerhouses of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty, the concentration of aura in the Tianyao Continent became more and more intense day by day.

In addition, the Heavenly Dao clone is constantly devouring the Seven Hell Heavenly Dao, deliberately integrating the Seven Hell Great World into the Tianyao Continent.

The concentration of aura in Tianyao Continent is even stronger than the concentration of aura in most of the Great Thousand Worlds in the central realm.

Even so, the fifteen high-grade chaotic original stone spirit veins can still increase the concentration of the aura of the Tianyao continent. It is conceivable how terrifying the aura contained in it.

In fact, it is the most extravagant and wasteful method to break the chaotic original stone spiritual veins directly into the world such as Qin Yi.

One world is so huge, dispersing the chaotic original stone spiritual veins into it is equivalent to dispersing the spiritual energy contained in the chaotic original stone spiritual veins to all parts of this world.

As far as the utilization rate of aura is concerned, it is definitely not as good as directly using the chaotic rough stone spiritual veins, which is higher.

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