Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3588: Yang Yiming's mind

There are relics left by countless powerful people scattered throughout the heavens and ten thousand realms.

In these ruins, there may be chances for imperial soldiers, exercises, magical powers, and magical pills left by the powerful.

Whenever a relic is born, it will attract countless practitioners to come to fight for it.

Some ancient ruins can even attract the ninth realm, and even the quasi-tianzun who has taken the road to the extreme.

Although only one middle-rank emperor was born in this relic of Zhenmoyuan, it also attracted the attention of the surrounding powerhouses.

A middle-level imperial soldier may not be in Qin Yi's eyes, but it is still very precious to all the emperors who have not been able to break through the seventh realm.

Some imperial soldiers with terrifying power and rank standing at the pinnacle of the middle-rank imperial weapon, even the giants of the seventh stage may be heart-warming.

Not to mention, according to what the emperor of the third realm said, there may be high-order emperor artifacts in this ruin, and even the emperor above the seventh realm was alarmed.

Don't look at the high-order imperial tools. They seem to be worthless in Qin Yi's hands and are not very valued by Qin Yi, but in fact, not all the heavenly giants have high-order imperial tools.

The cost of a high-level imperial tool is at least a hundred times the cost of an intermediate-level imperial tool. Not all giants of the heavens can have enough wealth to forge a high-level imperial tool.

Moreover, even if the giants of the heavens have a high-level imperial weapon in their hands, they will definitely not abandon the high-level imperial weapon in their hands.

There is no problem whether it is used to suppress the sect's background or to use it by yourself.

"Fortunately, the place where this ruin is located is within the boundary of the Eastern Frontier, and the roads in the boundary of the Eastern Frontier have not disappeared so far.

Otherwise, there may be more powerful people who come to this ruin. "

Yang Yiming was full of emotion, and there was a hint of fortune in his words.

If it weren't for this ruin to be located in the Eastern Frontier, the number of powerful people attracted would probably be several times higher.

After all, the existence of roads and towns imposes great restrictions on those in the non-Eastern Frontier. The stronger the power, the stronger the restrictions on entering the Eastern Frontier.

Under this circumstance, a powerful person is likely to be killed by a weak person who is not as powerful as it is.

In addition, the Suppression of Demon Abyss is inherently dangerous, so many strong people are unwilling to take this risk.

"But that's good, so there will be opportunities for casual cultivators like me."

Yang Yiming smiled in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that the ruins were within the eastern borders, as he did a casual cultivator, there would be no chance to covet the chance.

"If I'm lucky, I might not be able to get a high-end imperial weapon."

Yang Yiming couldn't help thinking.

With his cultivation base, he is not qualified to get involved in high-level imperial implements.

And now this ruin gave him this opportunity.

Yang Yiming is a person who is unwilling to be ordinary and daring to take risks. Since embarking on the path of spiritual practice, he has often made adventurous actions that are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

In his view, high risks will have high returns.

As before, he resolutely stepped into the Demon Dao sect and practiced the Demon Dao technique.

It is precisely because of this that he can from ordinary resources, overwhelm a group of talented arrogant talents, achieve the emperor, and even more leaps and bounds in the emperor realm.

Isn't it because he bet it right several times?

He thinks that the appearance of the ruins this time is another opportunity for him.

If he can obtain a high-level imperial weapon, he may not be able to break through the seventh realm, surpass the long river of years, and become the lord of the heavens.

"As for this guy, obediently become my stepping stone to the top of the heavens!"

Yang Yiming glanced at Qin Yi beside him, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

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