Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3596: Enter the town of Demon Abyss

The central precinct.

A little gray light was extremely abruptly lit up in the chaos, and it seemed particularly inconspicuous in all the disorderly and chaotic environment.

Very weak, because of the eyesight of the ninth realm overlord, it is difficult to find out even if you don't pay attention.


This ray of gray light seems to have an inexplicable influence, even if someone finds this ray of gray light, they will ignore it subconsciously.


The speed of the gray light was astonishingly fast, and it crossed hundreds of millions of chaos in a flash.

Passing through the world silently.

next moment.


These worlds began to collapse and were swallowed by the terrifying gray light.

Any creature who saw this scene just felt cold and trembling.

The gray light's goal is very clear, and that is to suppress the Demon Abyss.

With the spread of the news of the ruins in the Zhenmoyuan, more and more powerful people rushed to the Zhenmoyuan, and more and more powerful people in Yunlan City.

The more the strong, the more collisions.

At this time, the powerhouse who dared to come to Zhenmoyuan also had the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm the last time, otherwise, they would not be able to enter Yunlan City.

In the event of a collision, the movement between the strong will not be small.

In the past few days, at least a hundred conflicts broke out in Yunlan City, and even a sixth-level emperor took action.

Fortunately, the strong of Yunlanzong came forward, and this prevented the escalation of the conflict.

Yunlan Sect was able to set up a fortress in Zhenmoyuan, and the inherent strength was naturally extraordinary. There were eighth-level giants in the sect, and the strength was also the top among the third-rate forces.

The chaos in Yunlan City caused several seventh-level giants of Yunlan Sect to also appear and sit in Yunlan City.

The turmoil in Yunlan City ceased, but this did not mean that the conflict was over. The conflict between the emperors of the middle and third realms was suppressed, but the conflict between the emperors of the lower three realms had not stopped.

However, as far as Yunlan Sect is concerned, as long as the conflict between the emperors of the middle and third realms does not break out, it will have little impact on Yunlan City.

Similarly, the conflict between these emperors did not affect Qin Yi.

Qin Yi has stayed in the Qingyang restaurant for the past few days. He hasn't left the restaurant much, and stayed in the restaurant all day to retreat and practice.

Yang Yiming and others were very surprised by this, but they didn't care too much.

Time passed in peace, the tide of demon energy finally receded, and a group of strong men could finally enter the Demon Suppression Abyss.

It's the day.


Resplendent rays of light shot up into the sky from the outer city of Zhen Demon Abyss, and flew towards the depths of Zhen Demon Abyss.

Or recklessly overbearing, or warships across the sky, or purple gas traverses 90,000 miles...

Qin Yi, Yang Yiming and others also set off with the crowd at this time.

As soon as it penetrates into the depths of the Zhen Demon Abyss, the demon energy becomes more and more dense. If a long dragon dances, it has even condensed into a substance, and it is almost solid, like a mercury rolling.

A group of loose repair emperors had to open up their own world, blocking the devilish energy.

Even so, the devilish energy fell on the world supported by the emperors of loose repairs, and instantly made a corrosive sound of'Zizi', as if to corrode it.


From time to time, there are terrible roars, coming from the devilish energy.

A demon creature with a head like a human, wearing ancient armor and a terrifying face, roared and killed Yang Yiming and the others.

These are all monsters born from demonic energy, they are not demon creatures, there is no wisdom at all, but their combat power is not weak.


Yang Yiming and the others were not afraid, and brazenly greeted a group of demons.

Yang Yiming and the others didn't mean to let Qin Yi take action. Qin Yi was also happy, standing at the back of the team, watching Yang Yiming and others' performance.

Excluding some demon creatures who slapped Yang Yiming and others to death, and intentionally or unintentionally leaked, they didn't make any more moves.

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