Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3602: Eight-armed Pluto


Big hands swept away, suppressing the universe.

Hu Yanqu looked contemptuous, and didn't care about Qin Yi and Yang Yiming at all, just treating them as his food.

In his eyes, Yang Yiming's strength is not far from that of Peng Gang and others, and he can easily suppress it.

As for Qin Yi, in his perception, Qin Yi's breath is so weak that it is even worse than Yang Yiming and others.


At this moment, a light laugh sounded.

"why are you laughing?"

Hu Yanqu frowned and looked at Qin Yi who was amused.

"Naturally laugh at your arrogance..."

Qin Yi smiled faintly, and as he spoke, he took a gentle step forward: "If you don't even know the details of your opponent, you dare to shoot at will. You and the guy next to me are just as stupid!"


As soon as Qin Yi's words fell, Hu Yanqu's heart suddenly chilled, and an indescribable sense of crisis surged into his heart.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and his strong sense of crisis drove him to directly use the taboo secret method: "Eight Arms Pluto!"


A soft cry.

The boundless demon energy rushed out, filling the void of hundreds of millions of miles, and the surrounding environment instantly became like night, with no fingers in sight.

The extreme darkness derives bright light.

A faint gleam of light rose from Hu Yanqu's body, merged into the boundless darkness, and turned into a round of ‘bright moon’.

It is said to be the ‘bright moon’, but in fact it exudes a deep and dead silence.

This is Mingyue!


A roar of Ruoyouruowu fell from the moon.

It can be seen that in the dark moon, there is a demon **** phantom sitting in it, which is somewhat similar to Hu Yanqu's figure.

There are also eight arms, and each arm holds an ancient weapon.

Every creature that sees the phantom will have a name in his heart for the first time, Eight-armed Pluto.

The blood source of the eight-armed mad devil clan, a **** of imaginary immortality.

It is said that the practice of every member of the eight-armed mad demon clan is based on the eight-armed Pluto. They can practice to the extreme depths and can use the power of the eight-armed Pluto.

Even, the eight-armed Underworld God’s upper body burst out with a power comparable to the Xuxian Tianzun.

Of course Hu Yanqu could not practice this method to such an extent, but it can still mobilize one billionth of the power of the Eight-Armed Pluto.


Mingyue trembled, and the moonlight fell down.

The void trembles every inch, every ray of Yuehui is wrapped in unimaginable terrible death, and it rolls down like a tide.

Flood the world!

It seems that Qin Yi and Yang Yiming will be completely submerged.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Hu Yanqu used this method without any intention of avoiding a crowd of demons.

These demon creatures, contaminated with a trace of moonlight, turned into a pile of withered bones in an instant, and they couldn't die again.

The same is true for the remaining loose repair emperors.

In an instant, all fell!

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it turned into a dead zone.


Facing Hu Yanqu's terrifying blow, Qin Yi's expression did not change at all, his arms dropped.

The next moment, a breath of the highest to the strongest skyrocketed instantly.

The vast blood, engulfed in an extremely terrifying killing spirit, tore through the billowing moonlight, breaking the deep darkness.

Go straight to the rising moon!


The Eight-armed Pluto in Mingyue seemed to be irritated and let out a deafening roar.

The water-like moonlight is like a waterfall, pouring down from the middle of the moon.

It's a pity that still can't stop this terrifying blood!

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