Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3608: Why, don't use me as a stepping stone


The raging demonic energy and death aura gradually subsided, and the chaotic void around it slowly recovered, returning to its former appearance.

Except that all nearby Demon creatures were emptied, forming a huge vacuum zone, there was no other anomaly.

Hu Yanqu's body and soul had already turned into flying ashes under Qin Yi's fist.

Qin Yi didn't care about the threat of the Eight-armed Underworld God, not to mention that the Eight-armed Underworld God was in the Nine Nether Abyss and could not interfere too much in the five realms.

That's why, with the help of Hu Yanqu's power, he came here, and he paid a lot of money.

The time and space barriers that exist between the Five Great Realms and the Nine Nether Abyss and the Infinite Underworld block all the plans of many powerful people in the Nine Nether Abyss and the Infinite Underworld who want to invade the five realms.

Even under the town of Demon Abyss, there are cracks between the Nine Nether Abyss, the Endless Underworld, and the five realms.

But the Eight-armed Pluto wants to cast his own will on Hu Yanqu, it is not a simple matter.

If it weren't for the eight-armed Pluto, he realized that Hu Yanqu had a useful opportunity around him, I am afraid that the eight-armed Pluto would not lose his will.

As for the eight-armed underworld invading the five realms in the future, he will come to trouble him again. I don't know when to wait.

By that time, Qin Yi's strength may have already advanced by leaps and bounds, and even if the Heavenly Venerable under his command is like a cloud, why should he care about the Eight-Armed Pluto.

Moreover, even if the Eight Armed Underworld God appeared in front of Qin Yi now, it might not be able to help Qin Yi.

With Cai Yulei present, with Cai Yulei's cultivation base Cui Dong Zhanxian Gourd, even if he couldn't break out the power of eating Zhanxian Gourd, he could barely contend with Tianzun one or two.

At least, Cai Yulei protected Qin Yi and retreated without any problems.


Qin Yi reached out and grabbed it, throwing it away.

Yang Yiming smashed into the void and turned out a few somersaults in a row, disheveled, really embarrassed.

"Brother Qin, Master Qin, there are people who don't know Mount Tai, and they rush into you. I hope Master Qin has a lot of them and let them go."

Yang Yiming did not dare to have any complaints, and quickly squatted on the ground, bowing his head in fear.

Don't say that he has no dignity. Compared with life, what is dignity and face?

As long as he can survive, it is not that he has not given up his dignity and face.

He was able to rise from the end of life, with ordinary capital, to the present, apart from the little chance he got, and his gambling nature, but also because of his shame.

As long as he can survive, what has he never done?

Not to mention, just kowtow for mercy.

"Why, don't you want me to be a stepping stone for you?"

Qin Yi looked at Yang Yiming with a faint smile.


Yang Yiming's cold sweat came off all of a sudden, his face was as white as paper.

At this time, how could he not know that Qin Yi knew everything as early as the beginning, and Qin Yi took the initiative to cooperate with everything that happened later.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiming felt even more annoyed.

If he didn't trouble Qin Yi, or just ran away, instead of thinking about bringing Hu Yanqu to Qin Yi's side.

Maybe, yes, maybe he has escaped long ago.

If Qin Yi knew Yang Yiming’s thoughts, I’m afraid he would laugh out loud. Yang Yiming is too naive. If it falls into my hands, do you still want to run?

"Don't worry, I will not embarrass you, as long as you lead me to find the ruins left by Dayan Daojun, I will naturally not embarrass you."

Qin Yi smiled slightly and said in a flat tone.

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