Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3619: Poor Great Wudi Dynasty

"However, this great martial emperor took such a big risk, but failed to get what he wanted. Not only did he fail to gain the upper hand in the Eastern Frontier, he was a bit hard to get off the ground."

Ziyouhou smiled, instantly comprehending the current situation of Emperor Wudi.

In his view, the purpose of Emperor Wudi's relocation to the Eastern Frontier was not just to gain the upper hand in the Eastern Frontier.

After many powerful men of the Great Wu Emperor entered the Eastern Frontier, although they could not use the cultivation base of the Super Emperor Realm, this did not prevent them from comprehending the law of the Eastern Frontier.

As long as you can comprehend the law avenue that penetrates the eastern border, the suppression of the avenue's closure will also weaken by one point.

Even, in the end, it may not be like the creatures in the eastern boundary, avoiding the impact of the road closure.

According to the plan of the Great Wu Emperor, in fact, it may not be impossible to control the Eastern Frontier in his hands.

Even if you can't control the entire eastern frontier, you can control more than half of the eastern frontier, and it has become a great power in the heavens and all realms.

But it's a pity that an imperial imperial dynasty emerged in the eastern boundary, which disrupted the plan of Emperor Wudi dynasty.

"The strength of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty is much stronger than the strength of the Emperor Wudi Dynasty. Even our Dynasty has suffered a great loss in the hands of the Emperor Wuluo, let alone the Great Wu Emperor."

Zi Youhou sneered.

He did not have a lot of favor with the Buluo Emperor, but he had to admit that the Buluo Emperor had a profound background. The battle in the Eastern Frontier made the loss of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Kingdom not small.

Moreover, after this battle, the wise men of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire had made inferences that the imperial imperial dynasty did not show its foundation.

In other words, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty is far more than the only two heavenly overlord-level powerhouses in the original battle.

Compared with the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, the Great Wudi Dynasty really only had two masters of the Heavenly Hegemony level, far inferior to the Buluo Emperor Dynasty.

After all, even if there are only two ninth-level overlords of the heavens in the imperial dynasty, they are also the overlords of the heavens that are not affected by the closure of the main road, and their combat power is not the same.

Just as they are now in front of the Yuanli Demon Lord, not subject to the suppression of the Great Dao Enforcement, I am afraid that if he and Tianhuo Daojun join forces, and the two Great Martial Lords are counted, it is possible to overwhelm the Yuanli Demon Lord.

Under this circumstance, how could the Great Wudi Dynasty be the opponent of the Buludi Dynasty?

Unable to defeat the Emperor Buluo, the situation of Emperor Wudi became extremely embarrassing, unable to conquer the eastern border, which was equivalent to countless years of planning, and it was completely frustrated.

And if it retreats from the eastern frontier, it will face another big battle.

You must know the territory of the Great Wu Emperor at the beginning, but one side is not weaker, or even stronger than the forces of the Great Wu Emperor.

This is the embarrassing situation facing the Dawu Emperor.

"The Great Wudi Dynasty? The Great Wudi Dynasty in the Eastern Frontier?"

Qin Yi glanced at the two Emperor Wu and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Qin Yi had already noticed the anomaly of the Great Wu Emperor.

As the Buluo Emperor dynasty continued to grow and its tentacles spread across the entire eastern frontier, the so-called secrecy of the Great Wu Emperor naturally could not be concealed by Qin Yi.

The Emperor Wudi thought that he had a good disguise, but in fact, he had already fallen into Qin Yi's eyes.

However, Qin Yi did not pay much attention to this matter, but left it to Zhuge Liang to deal with it.

Zhuge Liang had already sent people to contact the high-level officials of the Great Wudi Dynasty, and wanted to counter the Great Wudi Dynasty and bring the entire Great Wudi Dynasty into the Buluo Dynasty without blood.

To this end, Zhuge Liang also invited Jin Chanzi and Niu Devil together to take action.

After Zhuge Liang's efforts, the plan to instigate the rebellion against the emperor Wudi's senior officials was also proceeding step by step.

Up to now, nearly half of the upper echelons of the Great Wudi dynasty secretly submit to the Buluodi dynasty.

Among them, one of the two heavenly overlords of the Great Wudi Dynasty is also included.

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