Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3622: Five Elements Sky Fire

Heavenly Fire Dao Sovereign, Baijiang Sword Sovereign, and Great Wu Emperor, each is a strong person who has cultivated to the peak of the ninth stage, only half a step away from Zhuntianzun.

Even if they are suppressed by the Great Dao Enforcement, they can only display the cultivation base of the Eighth Stage, but their control of power is far beyond the Eighth Stage.

With the blessing of various secret methods and supernatural powers, it was enough to burst out a combat power comparable to the initial stage of the Ninth Stage.

The combination of Tianhuo Daojun may not be the opponent of Yuanli Mojun.

Facing the attack of Yuanli Daojun, Tianhuo Daojun coldly snorted: "It is only by relying on the benefits of the avenue to seal the town, so that you can speak out in front of this seat. If this seat is in the five realms, only one person, Is enough to suppress you."

"Well, this seat will let you see and see the means of this seat!"

"Xuanwu Heavenly Fire!"

With that said, Heavenly Fire Daojun's eyes were bright.


Then, behind Tianhuo Daojun suddenly appeared a monster that looked like a turtle but not a turtle, like a snake but not a snake. It was Xuanwu.

With a mouth of Xuanwu, a jet-black flame burst out instantly, extremely cold, exuding an endless breath of darkness.

The void is instantly frozen, and time seems to stop flowing.

The movements of the Heavenly Fire Daoist did not stop, but shouted one after another:

"Otsuki Skyfire!"

A flame that exudes endless vitality, as if to evolve a medicine soil, flew out.

"Kirin Divine Fire!"

A roaring head high, carrying an auspicious unicorn, with one mouth, spouting endless red flames, sweeping thousands of miles into the void.

"Wutu Tianhuo!"

Countless yellow flames that contained the smell of earth wafted out, like a sacred mountain pressing down, sealing the world.

"Red Gold Sky Fire!"

A golden flame exuding terrifying and sharp aura burst out, as if to tear the whole world apart.

After five consecutive beeps, five flames of different colors appeared behind the Lord of Heavenly Fire, corresponding to one attribute, which is the genus of the five elements.


When the last type of red golden sky fire emerged, the five flames shook together, pulling each other, and blending together in an instant.

Then, it turned into a flame bursting out with five colors.

Five Elements Sky Fire!

The magical powers that the Heavenly Fire Daoist relies on to become famous are also the largest capital in the central realm.

In order to cultivate the Five Elements Heavenly Fire, the Heavenly Fire Daoist did not know how much energy was expended. First, he cultivated five different kinds of sacred fires, and finally blended the five kinds of sacred fires together to cultivate the five elements of the sacred fire.


Tianhuo Daojun gave a cold cry.

The five elements of the sky fire behind him suddenly shook, and burst out suddenly, like a pillar of flame that penetrated the sky and the earth, and like a real flame dragon with its head high and roaring.

With an unstoppable force, he met Yuanli Mojun's punch, as if to burn the sky.

The flames of the five attributes blended with each other and did not restrain each other.

At a glance, the many emperors present can feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

A ray of flame falling at will is enough to burn out one side of the world, turn it into a side of flame purgatory, until it burns into nothingness.


After a ten-thousandth of a breath, the power of the two collided, and the earth-shaking roar erupted, causing the road to roar.

The power of the two constantly competed and collided, either with flames extinguishing the devilish energy, or with the devilish energy extinguishing the flames.

The powerful aftermath rolled out, breaking through hundreds of millions of miles of void.

A ray of aftermath fell, directly annihilating hundreds of cities in the Ten Thousand Magic Realm, and countless creatures of the powerful savage demons died.

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