Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3625: The tragic Emperor Wu

"this is?"

Zhang Zhenshan's eyes condensed, and he saw an unexpected figure.

He couldn't help confirming it carefully, and then he affirmed his own conjecture. Isn't this the emperor?

Of course, this emperor is not the Great Wu Emperor, but the Emperor who has just sworn allegiance to him.

"Chen Zhang Zhenshan, I have seen your Majesty, and I have to do so, and I can't give it a full courtesy."

Zhang Zhenshan didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly used his divine thoughts to transmit his voice, and at the same time, he bowed his hand, which was regarded as a courtesy.


Qin Yi said indifferently.

Through the conversation with Zhang Zhenshan, he also knew why Emperor Wu and Zhang Zhenshan appeared here.

Several epochs before the Great Wu Emperor, he led the entire Great Wu Emperor into the Eastern Frontier with two goals.

One is to wait for an opportunity to control the entire eastern frontier.

It is a pity that because of the rise of the imperial dynasty, the plan of Emperor Da Wu fell to no avail.

The second is for the inheritance left by Dayan Daojun.

Emperor Wu once obtained a small inheritance left by Lord Dayan Dao. From that inheritance, Emperor Wu obtained an imperial weapon.

The quality of this imperial implement is not high, but it fits the way of Emperor Dawu, and it is an imitation of the original imperial implement of Dayan Daojun.

If you can obtain Dayan Daojun's original imperial weapon, the path of Dawu Emperor to Zhuntianzun can be opened up.

For this reason, Dayan Daojun searched everywhere for Dayan Daojun’s inheritance, and finally got the news that this inheritance was in the Eastern Frontier.

That is in the Chaotic Sun Mountains!

"The imperial weapon that Emperor Dawu wants is not the quasi-celestial weapon that Daojun Yujing wants?"

Qin Yi looked strange, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Really speaking, the original imperial tool of Dayan Daojun requested by the Great Wu Emperor is probably the quasi-tianzun tool in the hands of Yujing Daojun.

After all, Da Yan Daojun is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of Zhuntianzun, but according to Daojun Yujing, the Zhuntianzun implement in his hand should be only one, that is, Dayan Daojun's original imperial weapon.

If you count it this way, this great martial emperor is not unlucky.

It took countless efforts to relocate the Great Wudi Dynasty to the eastern boundary, and all the plans were frustrated because of Qin Yi.

The first plan has failed, and the second plan will soon fail.

Whether it is to keep the promise or to complete the system task, Qin Yi will take away the last part of Dayan Daojun's original imperial artifact and give it to Daojun Yujing.


Of course, if you really want to count it, this is not the worst thing.

Nearly half of the upper echelons of the Great Wu Emperor were instigated by Zhuge Liang, and even Zhang Zhenshan was instigated. It can be said that the Great Wu Emperor has basically fallen into the hands of the Buluo Emperor.

As long as they continue to follow Zhuge Liang's plan, the Emperor Wu Dynasty is likely to be intact and not under control.

The Great Wu Emperor's dynasty that Emperor Da Wu spent countless epochs just established was already Qin Yi's pocket.

This is the worst thing!

I don't know, when the Emperor Wu knew this news, he would cry out because of his grievances.

Qin Yi believed that Emperor Wu would not cry. As the leader of a dynasty, Emperor Wu couldn't have such a fragile character.

However, Emperor Da Wu probably won't know this news in his life.

According to Zhang Zhenshan, after the news of Dayan Daojun's ruins came out, Emperor Wu was furious and struck him twice, causing Emperor Wu to be a little confused.

In his anger, Emperor Wu hesitated to take him with him and rushed to Zhen Moyuan in person, just to stop accidents.

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