Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3635: Emperor Wu, defeated


After the Great Wu Emperor burned the Origin World, his body surged, and the surging power surged crazily in his body.

But he did not choose to fight against Yuanli Demon Lord, but turned around and left.

It is not a wise choice to fight against the Yuanli Mojun who burns his own way to Heavenly Sovereign.

The fate of Ziyouhou, Baijiang Jianjun and others is the best proof.

Coupled with Zhang Zhenshan's betrayal of him, there are many strong men of the powerful Barbarian Demon clan staring at him.

Unfortunately, Emperor Wu wanted to leave at this time, but it was too late.

The group of powerful savage demons on the side had long seen the Great Martial Lord, and they had fully urged the Ten Thousand Fazhen Divine Array to seal off the void where the Great Martial Lord was.

Emperor Wu's figure couldn't help but stagnate, and it was precisely because of this stagnation that Yuan Li Mojun caught up with Emperor Wu.


Yuan Li Mojun held up the sky with his big hands, covering the void of thousands of miles.

The demon flame burning all over his body rushed into the sky, as if to re-enact the Jiuyou Hell, and the dark demon flame swallowed everything in the world.


A demon **** phantom roared with rage, crushing the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

The wisps of aura fell, directly burning the many cities in the Ten Thousand Magic Realm, leaving only a dark scorched earth.

Whether it is the lofty mountains of the Demon Territory, or the living creatures in it, all fell under the breath of Yuanli Demon Lord.

Even the Divine Array of Wanfa Town could not stop it!

At this moment, Yuanli Demon Lord, its combat power has already climbed to a state comparable to the peak of the Ninth Stage, and even touched the Quasi-Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

Not only did it exceed the upper limit of the Ten Thousand Fazhen Divine Array, but also exceeded the upper limit of the Yuanli Demon Lord.

Yuanli Demon Lord himself only had the initial cultivation base of the Ninth Stage, and with the blessing of the Barbarian Demon Great World and the Ten Thousand Fazhen Divine Array, he had a combat power close to the latter stage of the Ninth Stage.

In the late stage of the Ninth Stage, Yuan Li Mojun barely managed to control the combat power.

However, after burning the path of the Heavenly Sovereign, the power of the Yuanli Demon Sovereign skyrocketed again, which has exceeded the limit he can control.

However, at this time, Yuanli Mojun could not take care of these.

He just wanted to suppress the Great Martial Lord and others, and then quickly interrupt the burning of his own path.

Every time the burning of the way of the heavenly body continues for a period of time, the greater the impact on him, he must stop the burning of the way of the body as soon as possible.


Yuanli Demon Lord squeezed his big hand, and a big hand that covered the sky appeared, and a series of vigorous and terrifying devil qi dropped down like chains.

It is like a real dragon of devilish energy, crisscrossing and closing everything.


The devilish energy fell on the Great Wu Emperor's body, bound and wrapped it, and the soaring breath of the Great Wu Emperor also fell to the bottom.

Yuan Li Mojun gently pulled, like dragging a prisoner, dragging the Great Martial Lord over, and slamming heavily into the void in front of him.


Then, with one foot, he smashed the lingering divine brilliance of the Emperor Wu, and stepped on the chest of the Emperor Wu.

The violent demon energy poured out and poured into the main body of the Great Wu Emperor.

The tyrannical force suppressed all the resistance of the Great Wu Emperor.

No matter how great the emperor roared, urging his own strength, shaking the sun and the moon, he couldn't break free from the feet of Yuanli Mojun.

Emperor Wu, defeat!


At that moment, Yuanli Mojun stepped on Emperor Dawu.

Behind him, countless demons phantom roared with a loud voice.

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