Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3639: Yuanli Demon Lord in a Decline


The dazzling sword light and the devilish energy kept colliding, and the divine might shook the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, rolling up a storm in the sky, like an extinction of the world.

The two forces collided thousands of times in an instant.

But neither of them can do anything about it, and they are in a state of opposition.

The demon of Yuanli relied on the way of burning his body to gain a cultivation base comparable to the peak of the ninth stage, but because the demon of Yuanli himself had not reached the realm, he could not fully control his own power.

Therefore, Yuanli Demon Lord could not fully display the strength of the ninth stage peak.

And Zhang Zhenshan itself has the cultivation base of the late ninth stage, although it is not as good as the Heavenly Fire Daoist, the Great Wu Emperor and others, but it is not affected by the closure of the main road and can exert its full combat power.

The peak power of the ninth stage, against the incomplete peak power of the ninth stage, the two are half a catty, and no one can win at a time.

But everyone knows that the longer the time is, the better the situation will be for Zhang Zhenshan.

"It's saved!"

"I didn't expect General Zhang Da to have this method!"

"I just said how can General Zhang Dawu be brave, he dare to betray the Emperor Dawu at this time, there must be a follow-up."

When everyone saw this, the big rock hanging from their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Today's things can be described as twists and turns.

First, the four heavenly hegemons, including Tianhuo Daojun and Dawu Emperor, joined forces and failed to suppress the Yuanli Demon Lord. Then Zhang Zhenshan betrayed the Dawu Emperor.

Then, the Demon Lord of Yuanli suddenly broke out, defeating the overlords such as the Heavenly Fire Daoist in succession, and everyone fell into crisis.

Even now, Zhang Zhenshan has exploded with peak combat power, contending with Yuanli Mojun.

"This... Does Master Qin know that General Zhang Da has hidden his strength?"

Yang Yiming glanced at Qin Yi with a smile on his face, and a trace of speculation rose in his heart.

Qin Yi acted indifferently from the beginning, and Tai Shan's confidence that he did not collapse before seemed to be under his control.

The fact seems to be the case, which makes Yang Yiming have to doubt that Qin Yi knows Zhang Zhenshan's hidden strength.

Whether Qin Yi is connected with Zhang Zhenshan, or Qin Yi sees through Zhang Zhenshan's influence, this means that Qin Yi cannot be underestimated.

"Sword cultivation is not weak, and kendo will is not bad."

Qin Yi nodded approvingly, satisfied with Zhang Zhenshan's strength.

I have to say that Zhang Zhenshan's strength is not bad, and it is not weak compared to the ninth-level peak powers such as the Great Wu Emperor.

In Qin Yi's eyes, it was only weaker than the Heavenly Fire Daoist, and stronger than the Great Wu Emperor and several other heavenly overlords.

Not surprisingly, Yuanli Daojun will also be defeated in his hands.

"Mouse, fight this seat, do you know to hide?"

Yuan Li Mojun was furious, madly stimulating the original power of the whole body, gathering infinite demon energy, and melting into countless ancient demon phantoms.

But no matter how furious he was, he couldn't suppress Zhang Zhenshan.

Once he wanted to fight Zhang Zhenshan, Zhang Zhenshan would retreat, but as soon as he had the intention to retreat, Zhang Zhenshan quickly entangled him again, not daring him to take a breather.

It was as slippery as a loach, letting his attacks fail.

It's just that Zhang Zhenshan won't change his style of play because of Yuanli Mojun's anger, and still steadily execute his own tactics.


Suddenly, Yuanli Mojun's face turned pale, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, his breath plummeted.

Because the Yuanli Demon Lord’s way to heaven was burned, his realm fell from the ninth realm to the eighth realm.

"Damn it!"

A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of Yuanli Mojun, his face was ugly to the extreme.

The sequelae of the road to the burning of one's own heavenly Sovereign had already appeared at this time.

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