Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3656: A layer of film

Under the leadership of Qin Yi, the Buluo Emperor occupies most of the eastern frontier, and there are many forces under his command that depend on the Buluo Emperor to survive.

For many forces under his command, the Buluo Empire also had many restrictions.

For example, no matter what force it is, it can't occupy a whole world, at most it can only occupy one-third of the world, or the world in a few squares.

The purpose of this is simple, and that is to restrict many forces.

Even if the Emperor Buluo Dynasty had a strong control over many forces under his command, Qin Yi would avoid things that should be avoided.

If one of the forces under his command has grown too strong, this force may not be able to give birth to some careful thoughts that shouldn't be there.

In order to avoid this situation, the various forces under the imperial dynasty will not exceed one-third of the Great Thousand World.

It can be said that the sphere of influence that Qin Yi gave to the Skyfire Sect was already the largest sphere of influence of all parties under the imperial dynasty under this restriction.

However, Tianhuo Daojun didn't know this.

"Thank you, the emperor."

Tianhuo Daojun sighed in his heart, but he could only bow and thank him.

We must know that the Skyfire Sect, as a first-class power in the central realm, has a huge power envelope, including a large world in one side and a world in a few squares.

But Qin Yi just said a word, directly weakening the Skyfire Sect's sphere of influence to one-third of the original, or even lower.

However, in the face of the powerful Qin Yi, the Heavenly Fire Daojun could only agree.

Qin Yi didn't care about the mental activities of the Heavenly Fire Daoist, but took a few people and continued to walk to the Great Flame Palace.


Before arriving at the Great Flame Hall, a ray of light lit up, forming a transparent film, blocking Qin Yi and the others.


Qin Yi raised his eyebrows, and a bright divine brilliance crossed his eyes. When he raised his hand, he slammed his fist on the film at will.


For a time, the entire Great Flame Palace shook, and horrible fluctuations erupted.

This made Qin Yi's expression condensed, his brows frowned slightly.

Soon, he realized the significance of the existence of this film, which is to block the invasion of strong outsiders, and it cannot be broken by brute force.

This layer of film is connected to the Great Flame Hall. If a strong person breaks this layer with brute force, it will inspire Dayan Daojun to stay in the back of the Great Flame Hall, causing the entire Great Flame Hall to self-destruct.

There are two ways to get rid of Dayan Daojun's backhand.

One is to break this film directly with the power that surpasses Dayan Daojun.

The Daoist of Great Flame is the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the quasi-tianzun, surpassing the Daoist of the great-yank, it must be a powerhouse of the heavenly realm to be able to break this layer of film.

Even Cai Yulei could not meet this requirement.

Second, that is to have the key to unlock this film.

Of course, Qin Yi still has a third method, that is, relying on the power of the system to directly break this layer of film.

However, Qin Yi gave up this plan after inquiring about the system. Breaking this film with the power of the system would require 400 million killing points.

400 million killing points?

Use a full 400 million killing points to break a layer of film?

Qin Yi is not so generous, with so many killing points, it might as well be used to exchange resources, imperial artifacts, etc., for various cultivation. Isn't that incense?

Besides, why did Qin Yi waste 400 million killing points? He could use the key to open this film.

He doesn't have a key, but Heavenly Fire Daoist has a key.

As early as when Qin Yi saw the Heavenly Fire Daoist for the first time, he felt the connection between Heavenly Fire Daoist and Dayan Daoist.

When the Great Flame Palace appeared, this connection reached its peak!

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