Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3662: Ruoshui Fairy's Little Means

"Fairy Ruoshui, now you can talk about your purpose."

Qin Yi asked Fairy Ruoshui.

As soon as he entered the Great Yan Hall, Ruoshui Fairy has cooperated extremely well.

Not only allowed Qin Yi and others to enter the Great Flame Hall, but also took the initiative to introduce Qin Yi to the legacy left by the Great Yan Daojun, which was very unreasonable.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

If the water fairy is too enthusiastic, it must be a plot.

"Your Excellency laughed, what purpose can the concubine have?"

Fairy Ruoshui smiled and looked at ease.

"No purpose?"

Qin Yi asked.


If Water Fairy's expression remains unchanged, her bright and pretty face is full of sincerity, and her faint smile will make people feel a sense of trust.

"In that case, Zhang Qing, Tianhuo, let's go."

Hearing this, Qin Yi nodded, and the next moment the conversation suddenly changed.

After that, in the incredible expression of Fairy Ruoshui, with Zhang Zhenshan and Tianhuo Daojun, he turned around without hesitation, and seemed to leave directly.

"Your Mightiness…"

Ruo Shuixian was confused all at once, and didn't know what to say for a while.

This is different from what she expected!

Qin Yi shouldn't ask a few more questions, she will talk about her tragic life experience again, so that Qin Yi feels sympathy, and is willing to help her?

Qin Yi didn't play cards according to the routine, which made her feel a little at a loss.

However, Ruoshuixian quickly adjusted his mentality: "Your Excellency, please stay."

"Fairy, something else?"

Qin Yi hooked his mouth, stopped, and looked at Fairy Ruoshui with a smile.

Why don't you install it?

If Shuaizi's thoughts were careful, Qin Yi could see through it at a glance, just pretending to be weak and miserable, in order to stimulate Qin Yi's protective psychology.

In terms of words, Ruoshui Fairy is even more fascinating, and her soft and piercing voice can very provoke the minds of others.

I have to say that Ruoshui Fairy himself cultivates the piano way and has an exceptionally strong control over the rhythm. He is said to be a charm, and he also charms Qin Yi quietly.

Like the sound of a piano, it shakes Qin Yi's mind while moisturizing things silently.

If it weren't for Qin Yi's perseverance and a state of mind far beyond his own realm, I am afraid he would also be affected by Fairy Ruoshui.

Dao Monarch Tianhuo, whose cultivation base was suppressed to the eighth level, was also affected by the voice of Fairy Ruo Shui, giving birth to a trace of unbearable unbearableness.

How terrifying is the suppression of the avenues in the Eastern Frontier!

This kind of avenue suppression has a full range of suppressing the powerhouses in other realms, including the mood of Heavenly Fire Daojun to a certain extent.

Therefore, Heavenly Fire Daoist will be affected by Fairy Ruoshui.

But even so, it is enough to prove that Ruoshui Fairy's strength, with the cultivation of the seventh realm, can affect the existence of the eighth realm and even the ninth realm.

It was a pity that she met Qin Yi, a freak who seemed to have only the fourth level of cultivation, but whose mood was comparable to that of the quasi-tianzun, and even the tianzun.

Qin Yi's avatar of Heavenly Dao is undergoing transformation, and is moving towards the Great Thousand Heavenly Dao. This period of time has been in the scouring of the Heavenly Dao.

Qin Yi's deity, the eternal clone, is affected by the heavenly clone, and its realm, state of mind, and spirit power have been unimaginably improved.

Even Qin Yi's state of mind was impacted by the Great Dao of Heaven, and he was somewhat transformed into the situation of immortals in the myths and classics.

Indifferent and lofty, overlooking the red dust.

Everything is not lingering in the heart, there will be no emotional changes, high above the sky, overlooking the world, this is the mentality of the gods.

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