Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3664: Wakashui Fairy's Request

‘While I was sleeping, what amazing changes took place in the Eastern Frontier? ’

‘For example, Zhutian Avenue suddenly unlocked the avenue to seal the town, and later fell down the avenue to seal the town again? ’

‘Or after these two people went to other realms to prove the way, then cut themselves off and rebuild to the peak realm in the Eastern Frontier realm? ’

If the fairy thoughts were flying, one thought after another flashed.

No wonder Ruo Shuaizi didn't understand things in the Eastern Frontier.

She herself was in the Great Flame Hall, and the Great Flame Hall was in the world of the wild demon. In addition, she fell into a deep sleep, and naturally couldn't perceive what was happening outside.

You know, if the water fairy falls into a state of deep sleep, it is a state of deep sleep in which both the soul and the body are in Nirvana, and the perception of the outside world is almost zero.

If Shui Fairy is a direct disciple of the Seven Prisons Heavenly Lord, with extraordinary talents, he has long been on the list of the must-killers of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

For Fairy Ruoshui, the Tianjiao of the Seven Prison Gates, Wandao Shenchao couldn't let go. In order to avoid the chasing of Wandao Godchao, Ruoshui Fairy had to fake death in the hands of Wandao Godchao powerhouse.

With the back hand left by her body, and with the ray of divine fire from the ancestor of the true phoenix from the true phoenix clan, she was reborn in Nirvana.

The true phoenix divine fire of the ordinary True Phoenix tribe can be called one of the ten great divine fires of the heavens and myriad realms.

And the vitality contained in the divine fire of the ancestor of the true phoenix was countless times more terrifying than the divine fire of the true phoenix.

Divine Fire, the ancestor of the true phoenix, is one of the most miraculous treasures in the heavens and all realms.

As long as there is a ray of soul, it can make people rebirth from Nirvana.

Fairy Ruoshui relied on this ray of divine fire from the ancestor of the true phoenix to complete Nirvana and rebirth in the world.

However, if the Fairy Ruoshui is in Nirvana, the whole person loses the ability to perceive the outside world, and even the fluctuations of the road cannot be sensed.

Ruo Shuixian didn't even perceive the fluctuation of the East Frontier's unblocking the Dao's town before.

After she completed Nirvana and awakened, she resumed her perception of the outside world.

Therefore, she will have these strange guesses.

Similarly, this also shows the shock that Qin Yi and Zhang Zhenshan brought to her.

In her eyes, Qin Yi and the two have not been affected by the closure of the main road, and they must be the newly emerging powerhouses in the eastern frontier.

"In less than ten epochs, he has cultivated to the ninth stage, even the quasi-tianzun stage. Such a talent can no longer be described as stunning."

Fairy Ruoshui couldn't help his heart fluctuate, and sighed for the ‘talent’ of the two Qin Yi.

Regardless of the reason why Qin Yi and Qin Yi had cultivated to the Ninth Realm and the Zhuntian Venerable Realm, their talents were beyond her imagination.

"Is it because of the suppression of the road closure and the rebound of luck, this will give birth to these two amazing enchanting evildoers?"

Fairy Ruoshui guessed.

Of course, no matter how talented Qin Yi and two of them are, they are already one of the top handful of people in the heavens and ten thousand realms based on the realm of cultivation that Qin Yi and two of them currently exhibit.

Only the stronger Qin Yi's cultivation base is, the more likely it is to fulfill her request.

The question now is how to make Qin Yi agree to her request.

"Your concubine's little tricks made you laugh, please forgive me.

Since your concubine speaks quickly, and your concubine is no longer oblivious, the concubine hopes that you can shelter the remaining doormen of the Seven Prison Gates. "

If Shui Fairy took a deep breath, he said directly without Gu Zuo talking about him.

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