Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3677: Wen Zhong

As soon as the old man appeared, Qin Yi recognized the identity of the old man, who was a well-known existence in many mythological worlds.

However, according to the descriptions in various classics, this man was a master of the dynasty, loyal to the emperor and loving the people, and he was upright and upright.

But the old man just looked like he was not stingy, completely inconsistent with Qin Yi's imagination.


The old man turned over and got off his mount, stepped out and came to Qin Yi.


Kneeling down on one knee, he said loudly: "Chen Wenzhong, see your Majesty."

Wen Zhong!

This old man is Wen Zhong, the Yin Shang Taishi in the world of the mythology of the Conferred Gods, the disciple of the Virgin of Jinling, and then the Leibu Tianshen, and the Twenty-Four Righteous God of Leibu.

Among the Heavenly Thunder Ministry, they are second only to the two of Jiutian Puhua Tianzun, Yuqing, and True King.

"Character: Wen Zhong;

Identity: veteran of the three dynasties of the Yin and Shang dynasties, Taishi of the Yin and Shang dynasties, three generations of disciples of Jiao Jiao, disciples of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, Leibu Tianshen, etc.;

Realm: Jinxian Peak (Zhuntianzun);

Weapons: Male and Female Double Whip, King Golden Whip, Mo Qilin, Thunder God Seal, God Thunder Ball, etc.;

Martial arts: law of heaven and earth, changes of the five elements, five elements escape method, pointing the earth into steel, heavenly eyes, nine heavens and real thunder, law, etc.;

Talent: S. "


Looking at Wen Zhong's attribute panel, Qin Yi couldn't help but nod.

Compared with Yang Jian's panel, Wen Zhong's attribute panel is slightly shabby, but this does not mean that Wen Zhong's strength is weak.

Although Wen Zhong is only a disciple of three generations, his name is inferior to that of the head of the three generations of Yang Jian.

But in fact, Wen Zhong's time for seeking the truth was much earlier than Yang Jian, and the strength and means naturally surpassed Yang Jian.

Not to mention, as the Taishi of Yin Shang, Wen Zhong's reputation is not necessarily inferior to Yang Jian.

In the Conferred Gods, Wen Zhong was able to compete with Jiang Ziya and other second-generation disciples of interpretation and teaching, that is, Master Yang Jian, who was ultimately defeated by Yun Zhongzi.

At that time, Yang Jian was just a junior.

Although Yang Jian has risen fast enough, Wen Zhong's talent is not weak. Since entering the Heavenly Court Thunder Department, his reputation has not been obvious, and he has been restricted by the Conferred God List, but Wen Zhong's strength is still improving step by step.

The older, the stronger.

This sentence is true no matter where it is placed in the world.

In fact, Wen Zhong had already set foot on the peak of the Golden Immortal as early as the Conferred God Period, that is, the pinnacle of Zhuntianzun.

Because of the defeat of Jiejiao, Wen Zhong also fell into the hands of Yun Zhongzi, and had to be on the list of conferred gods.

In addition, Wen Zhong was not a **** in the flesh, and his soul was confined to the list of conferred gods.

But this does not mean that Wen Zhong's strength has not improved.

While in the Thunder Department of the Heavenly Court, Wen Zhong continued to cultivate at the peak of the Golden Immortal, using various means to improve his own combat power.

Looking at the whole world of Journey to the West, Wen Zhong is among the top ranks in the Golden Wonderland, and few people can beat Wen Zhong.

The same goes for the heavens and the realms.

On Thunder and Thunder, Wen Zhong should also be the top rank, in terms of combat power, no one in the quasi-tianzun realm can match it.

If Wen Zhong is given a period of time, I am afraid it will be able to break through the shackles of Zhun Tianzun like Cai Yulei.

It's a pity that the origins of the Thunder Group of the heavens and ten thousand realms are occupied by people, and the Heavenly Lord who controls the Thunder Group is still there.

If Wen Zhong wants to break through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, he must slay the Heavenly Sovereign powerhouse along with the thunder.

Needless to say, it is difficult to defeat the existence of the quasi-tianzun realm.

‘However, with Wenzhong’s qualifications, this may not be impossible. ’

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes and couldn't help thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

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