Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3681: Colorful Divine Phoenix Medicine


The ‘Phoenix’ figure shook violently, and the brilliant divine brilliance burst out from its body, as if it was about to burst out directly.

"Glubby little guy."

At this moment, a soft laugh sounded, a big hand was placed on the center of the eyebrows of "Phoenix", and a little golden light merged into the body of "Phoenix".

Then, the aura that ran away in the ‘Phoenix’ body also calmed down.

"Phoenix" also rolled his eyes and passed out into a coma, but the crisis of aura's violent aura has been lifted, only with the help of a deep sleep to digest the huge aura in his body.

"Tell you to continue to be greedy, and you will have a better memory only if you suffer a bit."

Qin Yi glanced at the unconscious "Phoenix" and couldn't help but let out a laugh.

The person who rescued the "Phoenix" just now was naturally Qin Yi.

The imperial garden here was originally a space he used to cultivate the spirits of plants and trees. Among them, the one that attracted Qin Yi the most was this colorful divine phoenix medicine.

This colorful divine phoenix medicine has the potential to become a Tianzun product immortal medicine.

Although the position of the Heavenly Sovereign of Yimu is already occupied by people, it is different from ordinary practitioners in that the source of Yimu is occupied, and the spirit of grass and trees may also be transformed into an immortal medicine of Heavenly Sovereign.

Of course, this is not to say that after the colorful divine phoenix medicine is transformed into a heavenly-grade immortal medicine, it has a combat power comparable to that of the heavenly-grade realm, but its body is transformed into a heavenly-grade immortal medicine.

Taking the martial artist as an example, the colorful divine phoenix medicine degenerates into a heavenly-grade divine medicine, just as the martial artist's body can be transformed, but the spirit, the understanding of the great path, and the use of power within it have not reached the corresponding level.

Sora has a strong physical body, but can't exert the corresponding strength.

Just like the Tianzun who was knocked down by the avenue, although he has the physical body and realm of the Tianzun realm, he is unable to control the great avenue, and only possesses the power of the Tianzun.

Facing the Tianzun who is in charge of the origin of the avenue, he is like an ant.

"This magical medicine Lingzhi was born no more than a hundred years ago, and its mental age is similar to that of ordinary people at one year old, and it is reasonable to be immature."

Behind Qin Yi, a monk wearing a white moon robe with red lips and white teeth smiled slightly.

"Nothing does not go to the Three Treasures Hall, let's talk, Jin Chanzi, what is the matter for you to find me this time?"

Qin Yi glanced at the monk behind him and asked casually.

After the affairs of the Barbarian Demon Great World ended, he took Tianhuo Daojun, Ruoshui Fairy, Yang Jian and others, and returned to the Tianyao Continent.

As soon as he returned to the imperial dynasty, Qin Yi arranged for someone to send the spire of the Great Flame Pagoda to Lord Yujing.

At the same time, he also threw Tianhuo Daojun and Zhang Zhenshan to Zhang Liang and others. I believe Zhang Liang and others can make reasonable arrangements to give them a suitable official position.

As for Fairy Ruoshui, Qin Yi only arranged him to be a maid next to Liu Yiyi. Anyway, Fairy Ruoshui asked for it, but it was just a stable practice environment.

In Qin Yi's view, Buluo Imperial Palace is the safest place.

As for whether or not to collect Ruoshui Fairy into the harem, let it go.


An unknown system murmured secretly: "Every woman who is arranged by you in the palace of not backwardness can escape your palm?"

Qin Yi didn't know about the system's complaints. After returning to the imperial palace of Buluo, after accompanying Liu Yiyi, Hao Yilian and other women, he planned to retreat and practice.

This eternal clone has gained a lot from this trip. If he can retreat and digest his gains, he can directly break through the fifth and even sixth levels.

You must know that the realm of the deity has been elevated to a level comparable to that of the quasi-tianzun.

Even the cultivation base of the deity reached the peak of the fifth stage in the long retreat, only one step away from the sixth stage.

The eternal clone was affected by this, and all the barriers before the sixth state had been wiped out.

As long as you practice for a period of time, the eternal clone can break through.

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