Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3697: Seven evil spirits

"Is it you?"

The cold voice resounded through the city, as if two iron stones were rubbing against each other.

What followed was the extremely strong Qi evil spirit, which seemed to drag the three Jin Chanzi into the endless darkness.

If the strong under the seventh realm stayed here, I am afraid they would be swallowed directly by this Qi evil spirit.

The so-called Qi of the Seven Evils is also evolved from the thought of the Seven Desires, but it is more terrifying than the Qi of the Seven Desires, and it is easier to erode the mind of the practitioner.

However, it was Jin Chanzi and the three who faced this Qi evil spirit.

"Good, good!"

The golden cicada's sound is like a hong bell, and the light of the Buddha's body is full of light, directly overwhelming the Qi evil spirits flowing from it.

"The Buddhist man?!"

However, Jin Chanzi's movements seemed to anger the existence in the devilish energy even more, and the angry words stirred the devilish energy endlessly.

Suddenly, the devilish energy split into two from the middle, and a figure came out.

This is a big man wearing a black robes and more than nine feet tall. His eyes are scarlet as blood, with incomparable madness and hatred.

"Buddha **** it, Buddhism people, all **** it!"

The big man stared at Jin Chanzi, his murderous intent skyrocketed in his eyes, and his expression was crazy.

"Seven evil spirits."

Jin Chanzi looked indifferent, and called the identity of a broken man.

"Do you know this seat?"

The Qisha Demon was taken aback, and looked at Jin Chanzi with some doubts.

Jin Chanzi smiled slightly without explaining.

The news about the seven evil spirits was naturally obtained from the Xiaolingshan Temple. The seven evil spirits were creatures born from the thoughts of the seven desires.

The thought of being born in the seven desires is a collection of countless desires.

‘The law of the great road here, the operation of heaven and earth is different from the mythical world of Journey to the West, even creatures like the Seven Evil Demon can be born. ’

Jin Chanzi couldn't help but sigh.

In the mythical world of Journey to the West, the desires of the red dust are intertwined, and the spread of countless desires will also lead to the birth of the creatures of the magic way.

However, in the mythical world of Journey to the West, more are born from the gods.

The demon is treacherous, and is even better at guiding people's hearts, shaking the spiritual heart of practitioners, and letting them fall into the devil's way.

The seven evil spirits are different. The seven evil spirits are born from the thought of the seven desires, but they are more inclined to the monster race and are good at physical combat.

To a certain extent, it is similar to the sacred beasts in the heavens and all realms, and is completely different from the heavenly demons.

The Seven Devil Demon in the City of Seven Desires was not actively cultivated by the powerful of the Red Dust Sect of Seven Desires, but was born from the thoughts of the Seven Desires.

The strong of the Seven Desires Red Dust Sect wants to practice, and must rely on the Seven Desires. The stronger the Seven Desires, the faster the practice speed.

This Seven Demon Demon was born from the thoughts of seven desires gathered by the powerful Seven Desire Red Dust Sect. When the Seven Desire Red Dust Sect powerful found out, the Seven Demon Demon had become a vitality.

Even more, he drove this Seven Desire City independently and came to the Eastern Frontier.

The strong of the Seven Desires Red Dust Sect followed, but because of the existence of the avenue, they could not help the Seven Desires and Demons, so they could only set this place as the stronghold of the Seven Desires Red Dust Sect in the eastern boundary.

Many powerhouses guarded it to prevent the Qisha from becoming a disaster.

Although the practitioners of the Seven Desires of the Red Dust Sect are mostly Xiaolingshan Temple powerhouses who have fallen into the magic way, these strong people have the treasures of the Xiaolingshan Temple to suppress their minds, and they are not really falling into the magic way.

At least, in addition to practicing with the Seven Desires, he is more inclined to the right way.

If someone in the sect really falls into the devil's way, the strong of the Seven Desires and the Red Dust Sect will take the first shot and kill it, and will not let it go.

Even the reputation of the Demon Dao tainted by the Seven Desires and the Red Dust Sect is only due to the large environment in which other Demon Dao sects act like demons.

But in the face of the seven evil spirits, the powerhouse of the Seven Desires Red Dust Sect was somewhat helpless, unable to kill the Qi evil spirits.

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