Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3704: Merit Buddha Seal


The light of Buddha envelops the seven evil spirits.


Qisha Yu Demon couldn't help but raised his eyes and met Jin Chanzi's eyes.

Calm and indifferent, like a **** and demon sitting on nine heavens, high above, overlooking the great world.

The seven evil spirits only felt that their body had become extremely humble, like a worm held in the hands of the Buddha.

Life and death are only between Jin Chanzi's thoughts.

The panic filled his mind for an instant, and he couldn't help but knelt to the ground, kneeling in front of Jin Chanzi.

Jin Chanzi looked down at the seven evil spirits, and there was a ripple in his eyes: "Buddhist seal of merit."


When the words fell, Jin Chanzi's eyes lit up.

This ray of light seemed inconspicuous to others, but it fell into the eyes of Qisha Yu Demon, but it was so vast and magnificent.

It is like the first ray of light from the beginning of heaven and earth, and like the eternal light shining on all realms.

"This is..."

A trace of blur flashed in the eyes of Qisha Yumo.


The next moment, a golden mark flew out of Jin Chanzi's eyes.

This is a ‘卍’ character.

The word ‘卍’ fell directly into the eyebrows of the seven evil spirits.

All kinds of hideous expressions flashed on the face of the Qisha Yuma, or angry, crying, or laughing...Finally, they returned to peace.


Qisha Yu Demon lowered his head, his expression was calm.

Merit Buddha Seal.

This is a kind of prohibition created by Jin Chanzi based on the Jinghou curse.

With the force of restraint, plant the mark of merit and virtue in the spirit of the seven evil spirits, and use the mark of merit to restrain the seven evil spirits.

Unless the spirit power of the seven evil spirits surpasses Jin Chanzi, otherwise, the seven evil spirits cannot break free from the restraint of the merit and Buddha seal.

Although Jin Chanzi only had the cultivation base of the ninth realm, his spiritual power had already surpassed his realm.

The accumulation of the ninth life made Jin Chanzi's soul power far surpass those of the same realm.

Even, it has reached the threshold of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

It is basically impossible for the Qisha Demon to break free from the shackles of the merit and Buddha seal.

The seven evil spirits can absorb the thoughts of the seven desires, allowing one's body to quickly break through the cultivation base, and there is no threshold until the Tianzun realm.

But in terms of spirit power, it's not the case.

Even if the thought of the seven desires is considered to be the power of the soul in essence, the thought of the seven desires is a collection of countless distracting thoughts.

Too much but not precise.

If it is said that the spiritual power that ordinary practitioners can obtain from their practice, it is the words of a hundred forged steel.

Then, the seven evil spirits absorb the thoughts of the seven desires, and the spiritual power that comes from the practice is a rotten wooden board, which breaks with one touch.

Of course, the seven evil spirits can also cultivate their own soul power into 100-refined steel.

However, the seven evil demons had just broken through the seventh level of cultivation, and had not had time to hammer their souls.

Not to mention, the realm of the seven evil spirits is far inferior to that of Jin Chanzi, and how can they resist Jin Chanzi's merit and Buddha seal.

It is precisely because of this that the Qisha Yu Demon can behave so unbearably, under Jin Chanzi's divine mind, only insisted on less than one billionth of a breath.

And falling in the eyes of a group of strong people watching the battle, this is extremely shocking.

Jin Chanzi just stretched out his hand, and the Qisha Yu Demon couldn't help flying towards it, but with a light pinch, the Qisha Yu Demon directly turned into a white horse.

This is not a simple illusion, but directly changes the life essence of the Qisha Demon.

Of course, the seven evil spirits are creatures born from the seven desires, and are essentially a group of seven desires. It is not too difficult to change the nature of their lives.

There are many powerhouses present, many of whom can also do it.

But the merit and Buddha seal used by Jin Chanzi next surprised everyone.

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