Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3720: Thoughts of the Sword God King

Several heavenly overlords, even if there are ten heavenly overlords behind the imperial dynasty, ten thousand heavenly empires can kill them.

The four great kings, as well as many quasi-celestials of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, all sent their own avatars, enough to sweep the imperial dynasty.

But there was Zhuntianzun behind the Buluo Emperor, which was different.

A quasi-tianzun, if it is in other realms, the sword **** king will not care at all, unless it is an existence above the peak of the quasi-tianzun.

As one of the four kings of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, only the pinnacle of the quasi-tianzun, and even the powerhouses at the level of the four kings, will make him care.

Since his enlightenment for hundreds of epochs, the quasi-tiansuns who have been defeated in his hands have been no less than fifty or even more.

How can an ordinary quasi-tianzun powerhouse be in his eyes?

However, in the Eastern Frontier, a powerful person who is at the peak of the Great Dao quasi-tian, represents a completely different meaning.

You know, with the strength of his deity, entering the Eastern Frontier, at most he can barely exert the power of the Ninth Realm.

Even if his use of the power of the source is far beyond the ninth realm of the overlord of the heavens, he will definitely not be the opponent of a quasi-tianzun.

Even if the four great kings and the many quasi-tianzuns of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods made their own shots, they are not necessarily the opponents of a quasi-tianzun in the Eastern Frontier.

The difference between the quasi-tianzun and the ninth realm seems to be only half the realm, but the difference in combat power can not be made up by the number of people.

The quasi-tianzun powerhouses are all powerful beings who have taken the way of the heaven-sovereign to the extreme and are ready to break through the heaven-sovereign realm.

A quasi-celestial powerhouse wants to kill a ninth-level overlord of the heavens. If he is really ruthless and pays a certain price, it may not be impossible to kill within a few moves.

Of course.

The Ten Thousand Ways of Gods really want to come out, and many powerful people will all be able to kill the quasi-tianzun powerful behind the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

But this doesn't know how much it will cost and how many powerhouses will fall.

For a dynasty that does not fall, it is not worth it.

Therefore, in the first battle in the Eastern Frontier, Ten Thousand Ways of God gave way.

But this time the Sword God King once again challenged the Buluo Emperor, and he was naturally fully prepared to not only summon the strong from many forces.

At the same time, many powerful people in the Ten Thousand Ways of God were also gathered.

Behind him, on the Dragon Boat of Ten Thousand Ways, there are also the clones of thousands of powerful people of Ten Thousand Ways of God.

Of course, the most important thing is the treasure given by the Lord himself.

A light flashed in the eyes of the Sword God King, and it was precisely because of the existence of that treasure that he had the confidence to challenge the imperial imperial dynasty.


It should be said that it is here to destroy the imperial dynasty and complete the things that King Baiwu did not complete last time.

"Divine Lord, Weichen will never let you down."

The sword **** king looked solemn, and his heart ignited endless fighting spirit.

‘However, until then, let’s take the lives of these three people as an appetizer! ’

The Sword God King seemed to be aware of it, and looked back at the outside of the treasure elephant world.

Daojun Lingchen and other powerful men also noticed the movement outside the treasure elephant world, and they looked towards the sky, their eyes outside the world.


The Buddha's light penetrates the chaos, cuts through the void like a rainbow bridge, and hangs in front of the treasure elephant world.

"Step on!"

Then, I saw three figures walking towards the treasure elephant world.

One wears a white monk's robe and rides a white horse; one carries an iron rod on his shoulders with an unruly face; the other smiles with a greasy face.

It is the three Jin Chanzi who are re-walking the westward road.

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