Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3722: Wrath of the Sword God King

Treasure Elephant World.

The Sword God King and others stood in the void, with indifferent expressions, shaking the universe of the sun and the moon, waiting for the arrival of the three Jin Chanzi.

"Step on!"

Suddenly, the three of Jin Chanzi stopped, and everyone was stunned.

"They found us."

A lingering body in the azure radiance, from Taiyi, the ancient powerhouse named Kunyu Daojun sneered.

A group of powerful people gathered here, each of them did not hide their traces, let alone suppress their own breath.

The three Jin Chanzi noticed their existence, and it was reasonable.

"It seems that these three people dare not enter the big world of Baoxiang."

Another strong man said casually.

In his view, Jin Chanzi and the three stopped, and then they should turn around and leave. This is not a shameful thing.

If he were to change to him, he would be in the situation of the three Jin Chanzi, and he would make the wisest choice and turn around and leave here.

We must know that in the big world of the treasure elephant, the powerful people who gathered in the five realms and many forces, even the existence of the sword **** king, have sent clones.

Under such circumstances, if you rush into the treasure elephant world, you are looking for death.

"It seems that there is no fear of hardships and dangers and vows to finish the so-called westward journey. Now it seems that there are only three courageous people."

Kunyu Taoist sneered, seemingly dismissive.

Hearing this, many powerful people around couldn't help but twitch their mouths, and they were particularly disgusted with the pretentious attitude of the Taoist King Kunyu.

During the previous robbery and killing of the three Jin Chanzi, Daojun Kunyu had also taken action, but Daojun Kunyu suffered a big loss that time.

Not only lost a clone, but also lost a high-level imperial weapon, which made Kunyu Daojun remember to hate the three Jin Chanzi and seized every opportunity to smear the three Jin Chanzi.

But everyone knows that even if the three Jin Chanzi retreat, it does not mean that the three Jin Chanzi are courageous people, but a wise move.

Knowing that he is invincible, but arbitrarily stepping into the trap set by him is the act of a fool.

"All matters are caused by these three people. These three people must die. If the three of them don't come in, then we will take the initiative to find out!"

The Sword God King snorted coldly.

This time, he gathered the strong from all sides here, and his first purpose was to rob and kill the three of Jin Chanzi. If the three of Jin Chanzi escaped, where would his face be put.

Not to mention, he would use the heads of Jin Chanzi to sacrifice the flag!

How can Jin Chanzi escape?

"Step on!"

Just when the King of Sword God was about to take a shot, the three Jin Chanzi made another move.

"Okay, okay, what a will to fear no danger."

The sword **** king's eyes condensed, and he laughed anxiously.

If Jin Chanzi turns around and leaves, he may be angry, but he will never be as angry as he is now.

The three Jin Chanzi didn't care about the many powerful men, including him, but insisted on entering the big world of Baoxiang.

What contempt is this?

This is contempt for many powerful people including Him!

"Hahaha, be angry, the more angry the better, tear these three people to pieces."

Daojun Kunyu laughed even more, looking at the angry Sword God King and others, his heart was full of joy.

The more angry the Sword God King and others, the more miserable Jin Chanzi's trio would end up. Only in this way can he express the bad breath in his heart.


When the Sword God King and the others were angry, Jin Chanzi and the others did not stop. The Buddha's Light Avenue fell into the Treasure Elephant World until the Sword God King and others were not far away.

The three Jin Chanzi slowly stepped into the world of treasure elephant.

A group of three people confronted tens of thousands of powerful men from various forces.

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