Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3728: Zhu Qiang shot and besieged

Before that, among the three Jin Chanzi, the only one who made him jealous was Jin Chanzi.

Except for Jin Chanzi, the other two of the three, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, were not in his eyes.

As one of the four great kings of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, Zhuntianzun's peak powerhouse, he has the right to look down upon the three Jin Chanzi.

Even if it was just a clone, it could sweep the three of Jin Chanzi.

However, after seeing the three of Jin Chanzi, he first felt a fatal threat from Jin Chanzi.

Although he was afraid, he only paid a little attention to Jin Chanzi.

Monkey King beat and killed King Qianfeng with a stick, showing great strength, and he still didn't look at him.

The Sword God King is confident that as long as he takes a shot, he can kill Monkey King with a single sword.


As soon as he fought against Monkey King, he knew that he was wrong!

In just one ten-thousandth of a breath, he fought against Monkey King no less than a million times. Similarly, he also found out the strength of Monkey King.

Although it is inferior to his clone, no, to be precise, it is better than his clone.

The Sword God King also relied on the power of the Canggu Dragon Banner to overcome Monkey King.

Without the blessing of the Canggu Dragon Banner, I am afraid that he has fallen into a disadvantage.

Even with the blessing of the Canggu Dragon Banner, he can only be able to suppress Monkey King.

‘Damn, where did this person come from? ’

The Sword God King looked gloomy, with a sword across the sky, and a dazzling sword light across the sky, forcing Monkey King back.

There was no trace of joy on his face.

The more he fought against Monkey King, the more frightened he was.

Monkey King's whole person is almost like an existence specially born for fighting, the more the battle, the stronger!

Over time, he could perceive that Monkey King's combat power became more and more tyrannical, and even unable to suppress Monkey King.


The Sword God King knew that he couldn't drag on like this any longer, and immediately let out a long roar.


A Ten Thousand Dao God with the highest combat power in the seventh realm screamed at the strong clone, holding a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, suddenly turning into a silver rainbow.

A halberd, cut to Jin Chanzi.

At the same time.

The powerhouses present also woke up and shot one after another.


Hundreds of thousands of miles around the void directly shattered and turned into a turbulent chaos.

The violent power surging up like a boiling sea and flooded towards the three Jin Chanzi.

A powerful figure burst out of his own aura, and one by one the emperor's soldiers rose in the air.


The splendid divine splendor rises into the sky, as mighty as the Tianhe River upstream.

Knife, sword, tripod, tower...

Pieces of imperial soldiers bloomed with dazzling brilliance, wrapped in indescribable majestic power, seeming to destroy the heavens and the world.

These imperial soldiers were also middle-ranked imperial soldiers, and high-rank and top-ranked imperial soldiers were not rare.

With so many imperial soldiers exploding at the same time, it is not weaker than the aura of many strong men.

Even, there is still victory.

After all, the suppression of the imperial soldiers by the closure of the East Frontier Boundary Road was far less than the suppression of many powerful men.


Many powerhouses are holding imperial soldiers, automatically split into three waves, and attack the three Jin Chanzi separately.

The weaker powerhouse attacked Zhu Bajie, and the more powerful powerhouse waved his weapons and besieged Jin Chanzi and Monkey King.

Powerful people such as Daojun Lingchen and Chijin Longying have found Jin Chanzi, wanting to avenge the fall of Chijin Longying's son.

Many powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire cooperated with each other in tacit understanding and aura.

In an instant, the three of Jin Chanzi fell into the siege, and the situation was critical.

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