Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3737: crisis


The Dragon Boat of Ten Thousand Ways shines brightly, blooms with infinite divine glory, and hangs down hundreds of millions of chaotic auras, like an ancient **** slowly awakening.


The head of the boat was lifted up like a dragon, and the earth-shaking dragon roar exploded.

Strands of divine glory rose into the sky, turning into a primordial dragon, with a beautiful inner appearance and distinct scales, as if it were a real existence.

Wan Long groaned in anger, surrounding the Wandao Dragon Boat, revealing an aura of frightening Daqian.

The Wandao Dragon Boat may not be as good as the Canggu Dragon Banner in rank, but the power that has erupted at this moment is far better than the Canggu Dragon Banner.

In one fell swoop, surpassed the peak of the ninth stage and reached the level of quasi-tianzun!

This is not that the Wandao Dragon Boat is not affected by the closure of the East Frontier Road, but that the Canggu Dragon Banner is self-recovering, and the Wandao Dragon Boat is not self-recovering.

The Wandao Dragon Boat is a war weapon cast by the Wandao God Dynasty, refined for conquering the heavens and the world.

If the Wandao Dragon Boat wants to recover on its own, how much energy is needed, I am afraid that it can absorb most of the aura of the treasure elephant world before it can be fully recovered.

But at this moment, in the Dragon Boat of Ten Thousand Ways, there are many powerful men of Ten Thousand Ways of God sitting in town, and with their power, the power of Wan Dao can erupt with such a terrifying power.

Whether the imperial soldier is in charge of the strong, the power that can erupt, the two are not the same.


A great ancient Tianlong coiled around the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boat, looking down at the golden cicada, exuding cold and merciless murderous intent.

"Good, good!"

Jin Chanzi sighed and stepped forward.

As he walked, the light of the Buddha beside him suddenly brightened. A Buddha, Bodhisattva, and countless Luohan Bhikkhus evolved.

There is also a Fang Buddha country that lingers around Jin Chanzi.

The sound of Brahman chanting and chanting shakes the world so much, it seems to suppress the will of many powerful gods.


An primordial dragon roared and roared, tearing apart the sound of Brahman singing.

next moment.

When the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boat moved, it rushed towards the Jin Chanzi in an instant, and a primordial dragon moved with it, cutting through the void universe.


Layer after layer of void shattered and was directly pierced by the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boat.

Tyrant's killing intent was surging, and the Wandao Dragon Boat exuded an incredible aura and slammed into Jin Chanzi.

That kind of aura, as if to smash the whole world into pieces.

Even the Nine Heavens True Immortal Linchen was also vulnerable!

For a moment, the world in front of Jin Chanzi seemed to be occupied by a dragon boat of thousands of ways, and only the dragon boat of thousands of ways was left.


Where the Jin Chanzi stood, the void within a radius of a million li shattered into cracks, and immediately shattered like a mirror.

Even the phantom of the Buddha and Bodhisattva that lingered around him, and the pure land of the Buddha country, were all shattered by this surging force of terror.

The Buddha's light on the surface of the golden cicada also swayed endlessly, like a candle in the violent wind, which may be annihilated in the violent wind at any time.

After all, Jin Chanzi only had the cultivation base of the ninth state peak, and he was still half a step away from the quasi-tianzun state.

Although it was only a problem with the front heel and the back foot, it was not able to set foot in the quasi-tianzun realm after all, and it was not as good as the ten thousand dragon boat.

Not to mention, the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boat has already exploded with power that is close to the peak period under the urging of a group of thousands of powerful people regardless of the cost.


The Buddha's light is shattered, and the dragon boat has not yet arrived, and unimaginable pressure has already poured in.

Under the pressure from all directions, Jin Chanzi's powerful body groaned unbearably. The groan seems to be broken.

For a while, Jin Chanzi seemed to be in crisis.

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