Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3750: Furious Sword God King


Monkey King swung down with a stick, and the golden cudgel bloomed with infinite brilliance.

The Sword God King gave a cold snort, and immediately urged the Canggu Dragon Banner to cut it with a sword.

The two confronted each other again, and in an instant they fought hundreds of thousands of times. The aftermath of the two fights quickly spread to the surroundings, raging and raging, shattering and collapsing the entire space, turning it into nothingness and silence.

In the collisions, although Monkey King was suppressed by the Sword God King, the Monkey King's momentum continued to rise and was firmly suppressed by the Sword God King from the beginning.

Up to now, Monkey King has been able to slowly contend with the Sword God King one or two.

"Come again!"

After being repelled by the Sword God King again, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Monkey King's mouth.

However, Monkey King didn't care at all, shaking his arms, his eyes grew hotter, and his fighting spirit burned around him like a golden flame.

Immediately, it rose into the sky, flooding the sky.

The void within a radius of a million miles seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​golden fire, and even the chaotic essence seemed to be directly burned into nothingness. In this piece of void, without these golden flames, there was nothing else.

One step out, another stick fell.


Strands of golden brilliance dropped from the golden hoop, covering the ugly-faced Sword God King. At this moment, the Sword God King was palpitated.

This stick gave him a sense of crisis.

Suddenly, the Sword God King suddenly felt a sense of trance.

This is just like what happened before. It happened again. Before Sun Wukong showed his self-cultivation, he had the same experience.

Could it be that this seat will lose to this monkey?

This seat has become the sharpening stone of this monkey?

But the moment this thought emerged, He had already cut off the thought and screamed angrily:

"Damn monkey!"

The Sword God King's eyes were bright, and it directly aroused the infinite military energy in the Canggu Dragon Banner and merged into his body.

The King of Sword God is like a black hole, constantly devouring soldiers.

In order to accommodate more soldiers, he even didn't care whether this clone could bear it, his facial features were bleeding, and his body was a little swollen.

Even the physical body was almost burst by the spirit of soldiers, and he didn't care at all.

next moment.

"All dharmas are immortal swords!"

The Sword God King shouted angrily, holding the Canggu Dragon Banner, and slashed down with a sword.

Want to use this seat as a sharpening stone?

This seat is one of the four kings of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty. Who is qualified to use this seat as a sharpening stone?

What qualifications does a dead monkey have!

"Dead monkey, die for this seat!"

A sense of violence instantly occupied the heart of the Sword God King, and then turned into endless terrorist killing intent.

All the strength of the Sword God King, the strength of the soul, the strength of the soldiers, and the strength of the origin, all gathered into the Canggu Longqi in his hand, and he slashed it out with a single sword.

The ultimate sword intent envelops the infinite military spirit, and penetrates one world after another, even if there is the suppression of the Great Elephant World.

The unparalleled sharpness made everyone who watched the battle feel that the spirits were about to be torn apart.

Any creature that saw this sword couldn't help but bowed its head, not daring to face the sharp edge of this sword.

Only the existence above the eighth realm can barely bear the edge of this sword escape.

Anyone can feel the will conveyed in the sword of the Sword God King, which is to kill Monkey King with a single sword, and no one can stop him!

This sword has already incorporated all the power of the Sword God King's clone. No matter whether it can kill Monkey King, the Sword God King's clone will not continue to exist.

There is only one way to annihilation!

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