Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3752: fail


Jianguang collided with Jinhui, sword intent clashed with war intent.

Heaven and earth shattered, time and space were annihilated, and this empty avenue seemed to tremble in the collision of the two, evaded by the power of the two.

In an instant, the two have fought over hundreds of millions of times.

Similarly, after a ten-thousandth of an instant, the battle ended.


It seemed to feel the end of the battle, lingering around the two, the power originating from the Great Thousand Avenue of the Treasure Elephant World, slowly dissipating.

The power that was originally suppressed within a million li, rushed out wildly, turning up the sky full of storms, blowing hundreds of millions of miles away.

The entire sky of the treasure elephant world seemed to be shaken by this storm.

The destructive power of this storm is astonishing. If there is a creature under the emperor realm in it, even the quasi-emperor strong will be torn to pieces by this storm in the first place.

Only the existence above the emperor realm can survive this storm.

If this storm fell into the vastness of thousands of miles, I am afraid it could destroy all the cities, mountains, and rivers in the entire treasure elephant world.

This is also the intentional control of the Great Thousand Avenue of the Great Elephant World, which greatly weakened the aftermath of the fight between Monkey King and the Sword God King.

Otherwise, the damage caused by this storm would be even more amazing!

However, many powerhouses did not pay attention to the aftermath of the escape, and fixed their eyes on the place where the two Monkeys were, nervously watching the end of the battle.

When the two Monkeys were in the void, Jian Guang and Jin Hui gradually dimmed, and you could see the scene.

I saw a golden monkey wearing a gold armor, holding an iron rod, and hunting and hunting behind him in a red shirt, stepping on the void and standing quietly on the spot.

It is Monkey King!

At a glance, you can see that Monkey King's expression is calm, but his breath is slightly weakened, and he seems to have suffered a lot of injuries.

But his fighting spirit was very high, his eyes were hot, and his face was filled with a satisfied smile.

Correspondingly, the Sword God King looked particularly embarrassed.

The Sword God King knelt on his right knee, holding the Canggu Dragon Banner in one hand, barely supporting his figure, and his armor was already in tatters.

Anyone could see that the situation of the clone of the Sword God King was extremely bad.

Among the seven orifices, a large amount of scarlet emperor blood oozes out, dripping into the void.

After these emperor blood dripped into the void, according to the original progress, if it fell into the boundlessness, it would evolve into a sea of ​​blood, and it might even become a chance place in the treasure elephant world in the future.

To know that this clone of the Sword God King has cultivated to this realm, I don't know how many treasures of heaven, material and earth, the emperor's magic medicine has been absorbed.

The medicinal power of these magical medicines has long been integrated into the blood of this clone of the Sword God King, and a drop of emperor blood is equivalent to a magical medicine above the imperial grade.

Even the emperor's blood contains the Sword God King's perception of the Great Way. A drop of emperor's blood weighs more than billions of billions, which is enough to kill an emperor in the seventh realm.

However, in the process of dripping, these emperor blood were directly annihilated into nothingness. This is because the power in the emperor blood was absorbed by the sword **** king and turned into a brilliant sword before.

The power in the emperor's blood has been exhausted, and naturally it will be annihilated into nothingness.


The Sword God King failed to kill Monkey King at such a high price.

"What a demon monkey, cough...cough, the physical strength is no less inferior to those who specialize in the physical body."

The Sword God King sighed while looking at Monkey King while coughing up blood.

He thought that Monkey King's cultivation base in the battle was already amazing enough, but he never expected that Monkey King's body would be more terrifying.

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