Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3757: Army formation

First, he fought against the powerful of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, and then was seized by the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord, leaving his wounds, and then the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign fell.

One can imagine how difficult it is to let a deity fall.

Such as the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign, if it weren't for him to die and fight against the powerful in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, how could he be seized by the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways.

Changing to a more cautious Heavenly Venerable, there is basically no possibility of falling.

Therefore, for most of the quasi-tianzun who practiced fighting together, they had long since shunned the idea of ​​breaking through the tianzun.

Zhun Tianzun also stands on the top of the heavens and ten thousand realms, second only to Tianzun.

Like the Sword God King, he has lived through hundreds of epochs.

As for converting to other avenues?

Only with great perseverance, great wisdom, great determination, and amazing talent, the enchanting evildoer would choose to change to other roads.

After all, it is not easy to cultivate one dao to the level of the quasi-tianzun, not to mention, abandon the avenue that you originally practiced and switch to another avenue.

How much energy and effort will it take to practice another road to the level of the quasi-tianzun?

Not to mention, in the process of changing to other avenues, one's own combat power will directly fall to the bottom.

At this time, if you encounter one's own enemy, it is dangerous.

Generally speaking, if it is not for lack of choice, or for being extremely confident in oneself, most of the strong will not choose to rebuild the road.

But Monkey King has no worries in this regard, and just needs to continue to practice.

Until it was enough to fight against the Heavenly Sovereign, Monkey King knocked on the Heavenly Sovereign's Gate and knocked it down to the source of the Great Dao.

Of course, these are just things to follow.

Regardless of the secrets in the Monkey King, it is more important for the Sword God King to kill the Monkey King. Otherwise, the coalition forces may collapse directly.


The Sword God King kept coughing up blood, his figure was disappearing a little bit.

With the previous sword, in order to kill Monkey King, he almost emptied all the power of this clone. If it hadn't been supported by the power of the Canggu Dragon Banner, his clone had long since dissipated.

However, this state cannot last for long, and He must fight quickly.


With a move, the Sword God King returned to the group of powerful men.

"Sword God Army, deploy!"

With a long roar from the Sword God King, many powerful people around him moved by the wind.

An ancient chariot rose into the sky, and countless powerful men in battle armor stood on the void, their breaths linked together, and the whole body burst into bright light.

A series of **** patterns emerge out of thin air, intertwined vertically and horizontally, turning into an ancient large array.


next moment.

A hazy light and shadow are intertwined, and a vast breath flows down, like an ancient **** awakening from a deep sleep.

In an instant, it turned into a giant lingering in the air of chaos, standing on top of the earth, and stepping down the heavens and paths with one foot.

Water, fire and wind rotate around it, yin and yang are raging, chaos is surging, the world rises and falls, and there seems to be a phantom of a long river of years under its feet.

This giant is like the first existence that broke the world, swaying unparalleled power in every gesture, shaking the entire treasure elephant world.


Powerful fluctuations are like the ups and downs of a sea of ​​stars, flooding the entire treasure elephant world.

Countless powerful people are looking at it, and even the Great Thousand Avenue of the treasure elephant world is once again alarmed, and the force falls down, suppressing the aura fluctuations of the powerful people of the tens of thousands of gods.

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