Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3783: The situation of the **** Zhenxuanyin

"This power..."

The blow of the Dilu Temple Spirit caused the god'Zhenxuanyin' who was fighting Wen Zhong to look sideways, and his expression couldn't help condensing.

With his realm, one can see the power of Dilu Temple Spirit's blow at a glance.

If this blow came to'Zhenxuanyin', the god'Zhenxuanyin' would not have the confidence to take the attack.

This is beyond the scope of the quasi-tianzun realm!

"This quasi-tianzun device is blessed by the power of the Tianzun level!"

The **** "Zhen Xuan Yin" quickly made a judgment. As a Heavenly Sovereign Tool, he knew the power of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm much better than the Sword God King.

With just a glance, he can confirm the existence and support of the Tianzun level behind the Dilu Temple Spirit.

Xuxian Tianzun, or Tianzun implement.

"In the past 100 epochs of the heavens and myriad worlds, the existence of the Heavenly Sovereign of Proving Dao has been very rare, mostly in the Nine Nether Abyss, or the endless underworld.

Among the five realms, there is no strong person who proves the Dao Tianzun. "

The deity of "Zhen Xuan Yin" turned his mind and quickly recalled many messages from the gods.

In the heavens and all realms, if a strong person wants to prove the Dao Tianzun, he must occupy a source and hold the power of the Dao Tianzun to be able to prove the Dao Tianzun.

At the moment when a deity of heaven was born, the Great Dao of Heavens would blast through the worlds of the heavens, the existence of the Nine Heavens and Immortal Realms, and they would feel it.

This kind of information is impossible to hide from the existence of the Heavenly Venerable level.

The deity of "Zhen Xuan Yin" is quite certain that the Tianzun level that blesses the Dilu Temple spirit exists and is not a practitioner at the Tianzun level.

"It's not a practitioner of the Tianzun level, that's the Tianzun implement."

The ‘Zhen Xuan Yin’ deity’s eyes flickered: "Which Heavenly Sovereign Tool is it, blessing this quasi-tianzun tool?"

Similar to the Heavenly Sovereign, although the birth of the Heavenly Sovereign Artifact is not like the power of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, when it breaks through the Heavenly Sovereign, it blasts through the heavens and all realms.

However, if a weapon of a level such as the Heavenly Sovereign Armament is forged by someone, it will at least cause fluctuations in most of the territory, which will be perceived by many forces.

Among the many forces, the records about the Heavenly Sovereign Tool are also very detailed.

Basically, all Tianzun artifacts are recorded in the Ten Thousand Dao Gods, including some that have been lost for a long time, even in the ancient times.

After all, if the Heavenly Sovereign Device was awakened, it would be enough to explode with a power comparable to the Xianxian Heavenly Sovereign.

This kind of power will not be underestimated by any party.

‘Which Heavenly Sovereign Tool of the Seven Hells’ Heavenly Sovereign? It’s the Heavenly Sovereign Tool of the Tianzun Yin Yang Tianzun in the Eastern Frontiers in the Primordial Era, or the Heavenly Sovereign Tool of the Xiaoyao Tianzun...’

The **** "Zhen Xuan Yin" flashed his eyes and recalled several heavenly weapons recorded in the Eastern Frontier.

One by one matched the aura of the Celestial Device looming behind the Dilu Temple Spirit, but none of them could match it.

"Fighting against the old man, dare to distract yourself?"

Just as he was thinking, a slightly angry voice interrupted the thoughts of the god'Zhenxuanyin'.


A purple thunder pierced through the chaos, the endless chain of gods vibrated horizontally and horizontally, and the unparalleled might bloomed, shaking the universe.

It was Wen Zhong who shot.


The deity of "Zhen Xuan Yin" had no choice but to mobilize his own power again to meet Wen Zhong and fight the first battle.

During this period of time, the deity'Zhenxuanyin' was always at a disadvantage and was suppressed by Wen Zhong.

At this time, he shouldn't talk about rescuing the Sword God King and other powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty.

Even if he just bears Wen Zhong's pressure and barely stays undefeated, it is not an easy task.

Even in the constant collision, He was not immune from injury.

Under continuous stacking, the injury is still deepening!

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