Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3864: Shinichi Moto

Wen Zhong's appearance in the five realms was too short, and only one shot was recorded. Therefore, most of the information about Wen Zhong stayed at the top of the major forces.

Yuan Zhenyi was a seventh-level giant and a true disciple of the Xuanzhen Sect.

However, because of Xuanzhen Sect's defense against Yuan Zhenyi, in fact, Yuan Zhen didn't have a deep understanding of the many secrets of Xuanzhen Sect.

Even the information about Wen Zhong was only slightly heard by Yuan Zhenyi, so at the beginning, he did not recognize Wen Zhong.

"It is said that this **** Lei Daojun has already stood at the peak of Zhun Tianzun, and can knock on Tianzun's door at any time.

It's just that he is cultivating at Thunder Avenue, and the Heavenly Sovereign of Thunder Avenue is still there. There is no possibility for this Divine Thunder Dao Sovereign to break through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm. "

Yuan Zhenyi felt sorry for Wen Zhong in his heart.

If Wen Zhong can break through the realm of the Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, the imperial dynasty can become the newly promoted dynasty of the heavens and stand on the top of the heavens with a single leap.

Unfortunately, because the origin of Thunder Avenue was already occupied by others, Wen Zhong basically had no possibility of breaking through the realm of Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign.

This is also the reason why a group of strong men dared to question the first position of the first-class power without falling to the imperial dynasty.

If the origins of Thunder Avenue were not occupied by anyone, who would dare to question a mighty power who could break through the heavenly realm at any time?

However, Yuan Zhen was more curious about Qin Yi than Wen Zhong.

According to what he knew, the Lord of the Unfalling Emperor was not the quasi-tianzun peak power he thought at the beginning, and he didn't even break through the seventh stage, which was inferior to his cultivation base.

"In other words, this one really only has the cultivation base of the sixth stage peak?"

Yuan Zhen's eyes flickered, shocked.

As early as when he learned about the situation of the Buluo Emperor, he was very surprised. The existence of the Buluo Emperor was not Wen Zhong, the quasi-tianzun pinnacle powerhouse, but Qin Yi.

The strength of the heavens and all realms is respected.

The strong occupies a high position, which is a rule that everyone abides by.

With the arrogance of the quasi-tianzun peak powerhouse, even the Xuxian Tianzun could not be suppressed, not to mention, bowing to a man who was not even an emperor in the seventh stage.

This is simply a fantasy!

When he heard the news, Yuan Zhen used it as a joke to see how an emperor who didn't even have the seventh realm was qualified to let a quasi-tianzun peak powerhouse surrender.

In Yuan Zhen's eyes, or in the eyes of most powerhouses, Qin Yi was a puppet introduced by Wen Zhong and many other quasi-tianjin powerhouses.

Even in the previous battle, Qin Yi showed good strength, the same is true.

After all, there is a huge gap between Qin Yi and Zhuntianzun's pinnacle powerhouse, whether it is cultivation level or status.

However, when I saw it today, Yuan Zhenyi could clearly see Wen Zhong's respect for Qin Yi. This was not a superficial effort. Wen Zhong really bowed his head to Qin Yi.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Yuan Zhenyi wouldn't believe that an emperor who didn't even have the seventh stage could make the quasi-tianzun pinnacle powerhouse surrender.

"Thank your Majesty."

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, Yuan Zhenyi still respectfully worshipped on the surface, and then he grew up.

"Now, can you tell me about the Canglan Yuan Family's family heritage?"

Qin Yi looked at Yuan Shinichi with a smile.

Although Yuan Zhenyi had told Qin Yi about most of the things just now, the core things related to the inheritance of the Canglan Yuan family's clan were just too little.

Yuan Zhenyi was not a fool, how could he tell Qin Yi everything before getting Qin Yi's reply.

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