Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3958: The speculation of the Lord of All Paths

"Although Taitianzun only has a ray of remnant soul left, judging from his aura, it seems that he has got rid of the influence of the endless will of the earth.

If you count the two Celestial Instruments, the combat power of Taitianzun can't be underestimated. "

Ten Thousand Ways of God's words turned, and said with a point.

Only a ray of remnant soul of Taitianzun is no less inferior to his and Yinyang Daozun's divine mind clone, which is comparable to the existence of breaking the shackles of Zhuntianzun's peak realm.

If you count the two Heavenly Sovereign Objects, their combat power can be compared with the existence of the Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign Realm for the first time.

There is even no problem in contending the existence of the virtual fairyland in the early and mid-term for a short period of time.

If he and Yin-Yang Dao Zun come in person, naturally he will not be afraid of Tai Tian Zun, but he and Yin-Yang Dao Zun are just a ray of divine thought.

In this case, it is not a simple matter for Yin Yang Dao Zun to win Tai Tian Zun.

"This will make the **** master bother."

Yin Yang Dao Zun smiled faintly.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways moved his eyes thoughtfully.

He is very clear about the strength of Yin and Yang Dao Zun. Although his cultivation is higher, his combat power is really comparable to him.

At least, the combat power of this divine mind clone alone is not far off.

Such strength can't suppress the Taitianzun who holds the Celestial Device in his hand.

‘Did Yin and Yang Dao Zun brought the Heavenly Sovereign Tool? ’

Ten thousand gods' eyes flickered, thinking of a possibility.

With the power of the avatar of the yin and yang Dao Zun, who is not afraid of holding the Heavenly Sovereign Tool, it is very likely that the Taitian Zun is also holding the Heavenly Venerable Device.

‘There is another possibility, that is, the deity of Yin and Yang Dao Zun will come! ’

The pupils of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways shrank.

Unlike his deity, Yin Yang Dao Zun has no record of injury.

For countless years, the Dao Zun Yin and Yang has shown signs in the five realms from time to time, and has never been injured.

After all, judging from the situation of the five major realms, there are very few things that can hurt the Yin and Yang Dao Zun.

Rutaiyitianzun, only because it was too unlucky, just happened to hit the invasion of the endless underworld, and then fell.

The Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign also wanted to steal a large amount of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm because of his death, but was found traces by the powerful of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm and severely injured, only to give him the opportunity to enter.

But on the body of the ordinary Xianxian Tianzun, except for several ancient forbidden places in the five great realms, nothing can pose a threat to the Xianxian Tianzun.

Not to mention, let Xuxian Tianzun be injured.

Forbidden areas such as the Bone Forbidden Land, as long as the Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign of the five realms penetrates into the core area of ​​the Bone Forbidden Land, there will be no danger.

As the most apex existence of the five realms, Xuxian Tianzun, as long as you be careful, the five realms are as big as you can.

The Yin and Yang Taoist deity naturally does not need to practice in retreat like the ten thousand gods, and his deity can come at any time.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways looked a little ugly.

If the Yin and Yang Dao Zun deity descends here, his idea of ​​trying to seize the one Heavenly Sovereign Tool will be frustrated.

With the power of his divine mind clone, he really wasn't an opponent of a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerable.

"Fine, nothing."

The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways sighed with a deep sigh in his eyes.

If the Yin and Yang Dao Zun deity descends, he can only hand over the two Heavenly Venerables of Tai One.

Unless, he is willing to give up all the practice of his body for dozens of epochs and let his deity break through.

Ten thousand gods are naturally unwilling to do this, wasting dozens of epochs of hard work.

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