Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3964: Murder and condemnation

The system makes a move.

One million killing points were used, and all the experiences of the Hundred Killing Buddha from birth to the present were revealed by the system, and everything was revealed in front of Qin Yi.

Qin Yi can read these experiences at will.

To some extent, Qin Yi may know himself better than the Buddha of Hundred Kills.

Not to mention other things, some things that the Buddha of Hundred Kills has forgotten, Qin Yi can still find from the information given by the system.

After all, the Buddha of Hundred Kills has gone through hundreds of epochs since he was born to the peak state of Zhunguanzun.

After such a long time, it is impossible for the Buddha of Hundred Kills to remember everything clearly, and naturally he cannot compare with Qin Yi.

Originally, according to Qin Yi's plan, Hundred Killing Buddha and others besieged him. After he left the Taiyi Secret Store, he let Jumangzu Wu directly take action to kill Hundred Killing Buddha and others with the majesty of being upright.

At the same time, to announce the existence of the Mangzu witch to the strengths of all parties in the five major realms, and to show the background of the major forces that are not inferior to the imperial dynasty.

However, after seeing the information about the Buddha of Hundred Kills, Qin Yi changed his mind.

"It's more fun to kill and punish people, isn't it?"

Qin Yi smiled lightly.

If you just kill the Buddha and the others, wouldn't it be too cheap to kill the Buddha and the others.

To do this is very difficult for others, but for Qin Yi, it couldn't be easier.

As long as you make good use of the information in your hand about the Buddha of Hundred Kills, you can do this.

"The family of the Hundred Kill Buddhas, the Garo Buddha Realm..."

Qin Yi glanced over the information, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hundred Kill Buddha, I want to ask you some questions. I wonder if the Buddha is willing to answer one or two for me?"

Qin Yi looked at the Buddha of Hundred Kills and suddenly spoke.

"I am willing to answer for the donor."

The Buddha of Hundred Kills was taken aback, a touch of surprise flashed off his face, and he did not refuse Qin Yi's request.

"I would like to ask the Buddha of Hundred Kills still remember the Garo Buddha Realm, no, should I say Garo Demon Realm?"

Qin Yi asked.

"not good!"

Before he finished his words, the Buddha's expression on the side changed drastically, and he wanted to stop Qin Yi.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

"Kara Demon Realm?"

Qin Yi's question fell into the ears of the Buddha of Hundred Kills, and the Buddha of Hundred Kills could not help but uttered a sentence. The next moment, he was stunned.

A sense of trembling originated from the soul, and it surged up instantly.

It was like breaking a certain restriction, messy, broken, and fragmented messages flooding his mind.

"Gah... Luo... Demon Realm, Jia Luo... Demon Realm, Jia Luo Demon Realm..."

The Hundred Killing Buddha kept chanting, repeating these four words, his expression on his face changed crazily, joy, anger, sadness, joy... all kinds of emotions.

Sometimes it’s crazy, sometimes tearful, sometimes nostalgic...


The breath of the Hundred Killing Buddha has also become extremely unstable, and the violent breath has dispersed, shaking hundreds of thousands of miles of void.

A wisp of **** breath, welled up from the body of the Buddha of Hundred Killers.

Moreover, the underworld wafting in the void around him also surged towards the Buddha of Hundred Kills.


Seeing this scene, the Buddha of the World Jiefang felt his heart exploded and his face was ugly to the extreme.

He was very clear about the current state of the Buddha of Hundred Kills.

Because he has seen it once.

In the old days, the Buddha of Hundred Kills became enchanted in the Nirvana Buddha Sect, and became the Demon Lord of Hundred Kills, which caused great chaos in the Nirvana Buddha Sect and lost many masters.

This time, the Hundred Killing Buddha once again became enchanted!

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