Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3983: The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways Who Feels Tricky

But Taitianzun was willing to hand over the Heavenly Sovereign Tool to Qin Yi, and the significance of this was more worthy of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways to ponder.

Of course, no matter what the reason is, it is an indisputable fact that Qin Yi holds a Heavenly Sovereign Tool.

Judging from the current situation, it would be quite difficult for him to suppress Qin Yi and others.

A Tianzun device.

If Qin Yi is in charge, there is little threat to him.

After all, this clone of Qin Yi is no more than the seventh realm. Even if he is in charge of a Heavenly Sovereign Tool, its combat power will be able to compete with Zhun Tianzun at most.

But if Qin Yi handed this Tianzun artifact into Wen Zhong's hands, or even Taitianzun's hands, it would be different.

Tai Tian Zun holds a Heavenly Sovereign Tool in his hand, and can even fight against the Heavenly Sovereign who has just entered the virtual fairyland, and has crushed the clone of Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord.

Even if Yin Yang Dao Zun joins hands with him, it will not help.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways looked gloomy and felt very troublesome.

According to his initial thoughts, he took action against Taitianzun, and Yinyang Daozun against Qin Yi and others who broke the shackles of Zhuntianzun's peak realm.

The remaining Wen Zhong, several people including Qin Yi, were left to Wang Baiwu and others to deal with.

Originally, if everything was as planned by the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, it would be easy for the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways to suppress Qin Yi and others.

Who ever thought Wan hadn't waited for him to act before he was out of state.

Under the influence of Qin Yi, Jialuo Demon Sovereign fell into the Slaughter Avenue and became a puppet manipulated by the Slaughter Avenue.

Then, the Demon Lord Jialuo even shot against the King Baiwu and others, and as a last resort, the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways could only show up.

Kaluo Demon Lord's current combat power is extremely powerful, even his divine mind clone is not necessarily an opponent.

Don't look at this time, the Demon Lord Kaluo was suppressed by his breath and seemed to be unable to move, but the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways knew very well that the Demon Lord Kaluo could not be suppressed for long by his own body.


Just thinking about it, there was a sound like glass shattering in the void.


Then, a violent aura rose to the sky, and the monstrous evil aura that rolled and moved shook the world of Nine Heavens.

In an instant, the evil and madness enveloped the surroundings, and even turned into a hideous creature with a human face, roaring and roaring, making people shudder.

Looking back, it was surprisingly that Kaluo Demon Lord broke free from the aura of Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord.

Kaluo Demon Lord has become a puppet of Slaughter Avenue, which is essentially equivalent to Slaughter Avenue. Naturally, the breath of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways cannot affect him for a long time.

In fact, if Kaluo Demon Lord hadn't lost his reason, the breath of the divine mind clone of the God Lord of Ten Thousand Paths alone would not be enough to affect him.


There was a frantic voice in the cold, echoing above the sky.

After Jialuo Mozun broke free from the shackles, he didn't stay a bit, and once again made a shot at King Baiwu and others.

Behind him, the endless scarlet aura, evil aura, and underworld were intertwined and evolved into a vast world.


The sky trembled and the avenue roared.

The huge world on one side hangs high above the nine sky, like one grinding wheel after another, constantly spinning.

The terrible power dissipated. It seemed that wherever it passed, the void collapsed, and the chaos collapsed.

Everything is annihilated at this moment.

Then, under the control of Jialuo Mozun, the terrifying world of Fangfang pressed against King Baiwu and others.

At this moment, Wang Baiwu and others were chilling.

After this shot, they are in danger of falling!

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