Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4005: Qin Yi's doubts

"What are they doing?"

The God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways frowned when he looked at the shadow of Hades and others.

He and the Yin Yang Dao Zun are already in a weak position. If the Shadow Underlord and others intervene horizontally, their situation will be even more difficult.

Of course, the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways and the Dao Zun Yin and Yang were on guard against the Shadow Pluto and others, and the Tai Tian Zun was also on guard against the Shadow Pluto and others.

The reason Taitianzun fell because he was attacked by a strong man in the endless underworld and fell into the endless underworld.

In the end, he had to abandon the two heavenly weapons, burn his body and most of his souls, before he could escape a ray of spiritual thought.

In a sense, Taitianzun and the powerhouse of the endless underworld have blood and deep feuds.

Although the Infinite Underworld powerhouse who caused his death in the first place was not the Shadow Underlord and the others, Tai Tianzun still has a great defensive heart against the Shadow Underworld and the others.

Therefore, after Taiyitian Zun repelled the Yin and Yang Dao Zun with a single blow, he did not make any more moves, and chose to stop with the Yin and Yang Dao Zun tacitly.

All the people present were the only ones who didn't realize it, and didn't seem to notice the arrival of Shadow Underlord and others.

In other words, the unreasonable Galo Demon Sovereign has already sensed the Shadow Underlord and others, but driven by the killing avenue and hatred, Galo Demon Sovereign has only the thought of killing at this moment.

Even if the Shadow Underlord and the others actually descended, Kaluo Demon Lord would not care.

Unless Shadow Pluto and others stand in front of him and hinder him from revenge, he may care about Shadow Pluto and others. It should be said that he will directly attack Shadow Pluto and others.

Just before this, the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways stood in front of King Baiwu and the others, so he was entangled in the crazy Demon Lord Jialuo and couldn't get out.

"Shadow Pluto, Eternal Night Pluto, Tianyuan Pluto..."

Qin Yi's expression moved, and he was not surprised by the appearance of the Shadow Underlord and others.

The appearance of the Shadow Underlord and the others, in his expectation, that such a big event happened in the hidden mountains, it is impossible for the Shadow Underlord and the others to ask.

As early as after Jialuo Mozun and Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lords fought, Jumang Zuwu had already noticed the coming of the will of the Shadow Underlord and others.

However, Shadow Hades and others took the initiative to show up, which also went beyond Qin Yi's expectations.

The practice system of the Jumang Zu witch is the practice system of the witch in the prehistoric mythology world, because the witch has no primordial spirit, and the powerful witches, including the twelve ancestor witches, all focus on tempering their flesh.

The reason why the Jumangzu witch was able to comprehend Yimu Dadao was only because it was born in the blood of Pangu and naturally fits with Yimu Dadao before being able to comprehend Yimu Dadao.

Moreover, it is said to be able to comprehend Yimu Dao, Yushi Yimu Dadao, to Jumang Zuwu, is more like a kind of gifted supernatural power.

Therefore, Jumang Zuwu did not possess a source of Tianzun aura.

As long as Jumangzu Witch does not take the initiative to expose his body aura, to others, he is just a strong man who breaks the barriers of Zhuntianzun's peak realm.

Even God Lord of Ten Thousand Dao and Dao Zun Yin and Yang could not see through.

Unlike the Lords of Ten Thousand Ways, when the Shadow Underlord and the others lowered their will, Qin Yi once asked the Jumang Zu witch to take the initiative to release a ray of breath to show his own existence, in order to frighten the Shadow Underlord and the others.

The Bone Forbidden Land is the sphere of influence of the endless underworld, and Qin Yi is unwilling to conflict with the shadow underworld masters and many other underworld underworld masters here.

Under this circumstance, Shadow Underlord and others still showed up, which made Qin Yi puzzled.

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