Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4007: One punch, or two punches

If there is a choice, the Lord of Eternal Night would rather retreat and practice rather than get involved in this matter.

After leaving the core area of ​​the Forbidden Land of Bones, the power of his divine sense clone was suppressed again, and its combat power was less than one ten thousandth of the peak period.

In this case, even if many Underworld Lords join forces to deal with a powerhouse whose strength is unknown, it may even be the existence of Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

Even if they just want to hold back the other party, it is unknown how many spiritual sense clones of the many underworld masters present are left.

Not to mention, the Divine Master of Wandao has hatred against him.

In order to save the next person who has a grudge against himself, getting on a Divine Mind clone may also offend a False Immortal Heavenly Venerate. No matter how you look at it, it is not a good deal.

However, Hei Lian Ming Emperor's orders, he had to listen.

Although he is only nominally submissive to Hei Lian Ming Huang, it is not considered the true direct line of Hei Lian Ming Huang, and he usually stops listening to the public.

But once Hei Lian Ming emperor issued his will, it is impossible for him not to listen.

With the acting style of Hei Lian Ming Huang, he will not easily let go of the creatures who go against his will.

There was once the underworld master of the underworld kingdom who was deprived of thousands of years of cultivation for violating the will of the black lotus underworld emperor.

Lord Yongye was unwilling to follow in the footsteps of the Lord of the Underworld, so he had to come.

"Tsk tsk, isn't this the mega-realm of the five realms, the Lord of Myriad Dao who is arrogant to the heavens? Why is it so embarrassing?"

The fact that Lord Yongye Ming is willing to take action does not mean that he will give a good look to the Lord of Wandao.

As soon as he appeared, the Lord of Eternal Night sneered at the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths.

"Hmph, Yong Ye, what are you doing here? If you come to see my jokes, you don't have to."

Divine Master Wan Dao snorted coldly, his face a little ugly.

It is not a pleasant thing to run into an enemy when you are in a state of great embarrassment.

"Hahaha, this seat is not here to see your jokes, on the contrary, this seat is here to save you."

Eternal Night Underworld Lord laughed loudly.

"Save me?"

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of Ten Thousand Daos and the Dao Venerable Yin Yang were stunned.

In particular, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths was full of doubts in his heart. He was originally worried that Lord Yongye and others would join forces with Qin Yi and others, just to keep him and Yin Yang Dao Zun here.

After all, He originally had a grudge against the Underworld Lord of the Eternal Night, and in terms of position, it was even more opposed to the Underworld Lord of the Eternal Night and others.

Moreover, from the perspective of the scene, Qin Yi and others have an absolute advantage. As long as the Lord of Yongye and the others cut off the retreat between him and Yin Yang Dao Zun, they can completely suppress their spiritual sense clones.

It's just that the Divine Master of Wandao never thought that Yongye Mingzhu and others would actually want to rescue him and Yin Yang Dao Zun?

What is the purpose of Yongye Mingzhu and others?

"This group of underworld masters of endless underworld, want to save the gods of ten thousand and yin and yang?"

Qin Yi raised his brows and seemed surprised, but he was also expected.

When Lord Yongye Ming and others show up, they must have plans, either against them or against the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths.

Although I don't know the purpose of Yongye Mingzhu and others, but Yongye Mingzhu and others are going to take action, Qin Yi is not afraid, and his eyes glance at Mang Zuwu.

Jumang Zuwu immediately understood and took a step forward quietly.

Lifting his eyelids slightly, his gaze swept across Lord Yongye and the others, his eyes seemed to be burning with fighting intent.

The witches are warlike. As one of the twelve ancestor witches, Jumang ancestors' pursuit of fighting is by no means inferior to other witches' powerhouses.

It is acceptable to use these powerful men as my opponents for the first battle in this world.


I don't know how many of these people can stop my punches?

One punch?

Or, two punches?

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