Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4009: No heart, no more possible

There seems to be only half a step between the quasi-tianzun peak and the virtual immortal Tianzun, but this half-step blocks countless powerhouses.

The distance of half a step is like a moat!

Since countless epochs, the number of powerhouses who have cultivated to the peak of the quasi-tianzun in the five realms has definitely exceeded five figures.

But in the end, how many of the existences are on the throne of Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate?

Counting the fallen Void Immortals, there will be no more than one hundred Void Immortals recorded in the history of the five realms.

How low is the ratio of the billions of creatures in the five realms and the hundreds of immortals?

One can imagine how difficult it is to break through the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate Realm.

Heavenly Venerate Three Tribulations, these are the three big mountains that lie in front of the quasi-tianzun powerhouse.

In fact, after a living being breaks through the quasi-tianzun realm, it has the qualification to knock on the door of Tianzun, which can trigger the tribulation of Tianzun.

However, the existence of human robbery in the three tribulations of Tianzun has made the quasi-tianzun powerhouses hesitate to trigger the Tianzun robbery.

Once someone knocks on the gate of Tianzun and drives the avenue, all the quasi-tianzun powerhouses who practice the same avenue will feel it.

Even, with the help of the power of the avenue, it can be shot from the air.

This also means that the powerhouse who knocks on the gate of Tianzun will face the attack of countless quasi-Tianzun powerhouses who practice this avenue.

With the passage of time, there are more and more powerhouses in the five realms, which also leads to a significant increase in the difficulty of surviving human calamities.

Although King Bai Wu believes that his strength is strong enough, he does not think that he has the qualifications to defeat many powerhouses of the same realm.

Not to mention, to survive the last two tribulations of Tianzun's three tribulations.

Therefore, even though he has been at the quasi-tianzun peak for countless years, he still does not dare to take the last step.

Take one wrong step, and you will be doomed!

There is no turning back arrow when opening the bow. Once you knock on the gate of Tianzun, you must go through the three tribulations of Tianzun and become a virtual immortal Tianzun.

There is no second time to cross the Tianzun Three Tribulations. If it fails, it will be wiped out.

The physical body and even the soul will be wiped out by the Dao of the Heavens, and even a wisp of remnant soul cannot be left behind.

"Tianzun Three Tribulations!"

King Bai Wu sighed in his heart. In fact, he had long since given up the idea of ​​knocking on the gate of Heavenly Venerate.

If it was when he had just broken through the quasi-tianzun realm, he still had the courage to knock on the door of Tianzun and become a virtual immortal.

Unfortunately, He was not strong enough at that time.

And now, although his strength is far better than when he just broke through, his heart and energy have already been exhausted in the long years.

"Unfortunately, sigh."

King Bai Wu shook his head and sighed.

If he had just broken through the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, he would have had the strength he has now, perhaps he would have knocked on the door of Heavenly Venerate long ago.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

If it were not for the achievement of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, he would be annihilated under the Great Dao of the Heavens.

Unfortunately, it's all just an if.

The longer you live, the more afraid of death!

The long years have made his cultivation more advanced, but it has also wiped out his ambition, and he no longer has the arrogance to do everything.

This is also the reason why He will be sure that he will never break through the Heavenly Venerate Realm again in this life.

"Heavenly Venerable's might."

But at this moment, seeing the power of Yongye Mingzhu and others, the originally dead heart of Baiwu King, at this moment, there are signs of recovery.

Maybe he can give it a try?


Just when King Bai Wu thought about it, Lord Yong Ye Ming suddenly took a step forward, and a huge momentum burst out instantly.

Time and space shake, the universe hangs upside down, and everyone's eyes are attracted again.

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